Alex's caves warning not disabled
I want to disable the warning about alex's caves but nothing works. I've disabled all show warnings and set any errors to only appear in files and not chat, but the alex's caves warning still shows up :(
16 Replies
Check the config file: /dhconfig
To edit the config, press the button next to the FOV slider to edit the config.
The config file found in .minecraft/config/DistantHorizons.toml
what exactly in the configs? i've edited anything that looks remotely relevant
unless i missed something
Try searching the config file (use cntrl + f) with keywords
i did...
Try asking in general, as I do not know where it is sorry
I don't think such an option exists. Why do you need it that bad?
I just don’t want it?
i mean i would think a config option that says showModCompatibilityWarningsOnStartup would do what it says…
it’s just annoying to see in chat when ive already fixed the reason it shows up in the configs
i took a look at the code and showModCompatibilityWarningsOnStartup should prevent the alex caves chat message from appearing

so if its not, the code is not doing what its meant to do
let me try to reproduce it
it works for me
using the latest nightly build. so maybe it wasnt implemented in DH 2.2.1 yet? can you try with the nightly build?
oh no i was wrong
for some reason the chat messages only appear the first time you join a world. you need to restart minecraft for it to show again
yea but is that intended behavior?
i don't want it to appear every time i join my world
probably yes
but yea, the config option does indeed appear to be broken
ok cool
should i make an issue for it?
i already mentioned it here:
if that doesnt result in anything, its better to make an issue yea
its fixed in the latest nightly