Custom world gen optimization not working

Im trying to optimize an old world to get it to work with DH. However a custom terrain generator was used at that time. Because of that minecraft can't find some features:
Errors in element minecraft:overworld:
java.lang.IllegalStateException: Failed to parse minecraft:worldgen/noise_settings/overworld.json from pack file/
Errors in element minecraft:overworld:
java.lang.IllegalStateException: Failed to parse minecraft:worldgen/noise_settings/overworld.json from pack file/
How can I still optimize the world? I just need a way to duplicate all blocks to the new format, structure names and so on can beignored.
But it seems like exporting the world with Amulet works
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3 Replies
MarijnIsN00B3w ago
Try installing WWOO and then optimise it Else Id as the WWOO dev if they have a solution
Lugges3w ago
Sadly it seems some things got changed, still geiving errors with the satapack.
Lugges3w ago
But it seems like exporting the world with Amulet works