DH rendering Create's Copycat blocks as bright magenta

Hello! I've recently been working on a moderately-sized Fabric modpack (MC version 1.19.2), with a mod list including Distant Horizons, Create, and a Create add-on, Copycats+, which provides a greater variety of Copycat blocks (which are essentially Create's version of Carpenter's Blocks). On the whole, the pack is stable, but I've noticed during testing that all Copycat blocks (Both the default Create ones, and those from the Copycats+ add-on) were being rendered in a bright, missing-texture magenta whenever the player was far enough away for DH's rendering to kick in. An example of this can be seen in the attached images: The 4-by-4 array of blocks are all Copycats which have had blocks inserted into them, viewed once within the Minecraft render distance, and once within the DH render distance. (This does also happen to empty Copycats, however.) After some testing on my own, I've come to theorize that this has something to do with how Copycat blocks work on the back-end: That is, to keep a Copycat block's default texture from clipping with the textures of any blocks that get inserted into it, the actual Copycat block itself is completely invisible, allowing it to remain unrendered until a bit of Create's code can step in and decide whether to display the default "empty" Copycat block texture, or the texture of an inserted block. As a result of the block being invisible to Minecraft's usual rendering process, however, other mods which try to fetch the texture of the Copycat block will often end up finding a missing texture - and thus, Distant Horizons winds up with a black-and-magenta checkerboard, which it boils down to just the bright magenta. Given how Create's method of displaying Copycat blocks seems to be a highly custom affair, I don't expect DH to be able to snag the block inside and use that for its LOD coloring; but, I was wondering if it might be possible to set the Copycats as being invisible in DH, like it does by default with torches and flowers.
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what you see is "missing texture magenta" those blocks might not bind the texture correctly, or at least in a way that DH understands it resulting in DH reading it as missing texture in 2.0.3 there is workaround making such blocks simply not appear...
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8 Replies
That Guy
That Guy11mo ago
it may be that your mod isn't compatible
BallisticannonOP11mo ago
Elaborate, please, if you could
cola9876511mo ago
what you see is "missing texture magenta" those blocks might not bind the texture correctly, or at least in a way that DH understands it resulting in DH reading it as missing texture in 2.0.3 there is workaround making such blocks simply not appear
BallisticannonOP11mo ago
Beautiful, that was pretty much the solution I was looking for anyway Thank you kindly In the light of this, actually One more question, if I may Is there any rough estimate on when a version of DH with this feature would be available on Minecraft 1.19.2? Because from what I can find in the beta testing channel, the beta branches seem to be focused primarily on Minecraft's 1.20.x and 1.18.x versions, with no 1.19.2 version yet available
cola9876511mo ago
it's just the build that has been uploaded, DH is build for all major MC versions that were supported in the past, as in current system it's easy to maintain old versions. so those builds already exist on gitlab, but right now there are couple unrelated problmes with them
BallisticannonOP11mo ago
I see, I see
cola9876511mo ago
so in #gitlab-status if you see someone push a commit, you cna click on that commit hash that liks to gitlab page from there you can find a pipeline associated with this commit, and as part of that pipeline there are builds you can download it takes a moment to get used to, but it's easy way to get a build for your versions, and after that the autoupdater will look into those bulds to download itself from there.
BallisticannonOP11mo ago
Alright, interesting Good to know Thank you for the help, and for your patience, my man Cheers

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