Is there a 1.21.4 fabric build available anywhere?
I cant seem to find any 1.21.4 builds yet i can see people talking about having them.
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if you know what youre doing you can try downloading the latest 1.21.4 build that didnt 404 from
Pipelines · Distant-Horizons-Team / Distant Horizons · GitLab
This is a mod that adds a Level Of Detail (LOD) system to Minecraft. This implementation renders simplified chunks outside of the normal render distance allowing for an...
9 Replies
That build isnt available tho
yes but the question was answered
so where are people getting the build from?
they got it when the link didnt 404
right so this will be fixed right?
if you know what youre doing you can try downloading the latest 1.21.4 build that didnt 404 from
Pipelines · Distant-Horizons-Team / Distant Horizons · GitLab
This is a mod that adds a Level Of Detail (LOD) system to Minecraft. This implementation renders simplified chunks outside of the normal render distance allowing for an...
ok thanks