Lod quality looks like roblox
can somebody help me figure out why blocks at lil range look like this?

10 Replies
thats how it is supposed to look. DH renders blocks at a lower quality so your pc doesn't explode
my friends game doesnt look like this and it doesnt look like this any of the videos :/
maybe your friend has a higher vanilla render distance?
is there a way to import distant horizon settings from other people?
maybe some settings from other people would fix it
yes, you can copy and replace the config file
To edit the config, press the button next to the FOV slider to edit the config.
The config file found in .minecraft/config/DistantHorizons.toml
do u have a config?
well my DH looks like how it is in your screenshot, so that wouldn't really help
it will look better with no shaders or a different one
the noise texture is not well tuned on this one