how come this youtubers game looks like this but mine doesnt
I followed all his steps and yet my game looks worse. The clouds look buggy, and my chunks are pretty short

120 Replies
fixed the clouds (btw were both using bliss shaders)
but all i really need to fix is the render distance
and there is something
i dont know what but his game looks a lot better
1. He has better settings
2. Lods take a long time to load
If it feels like LoD generation with
Distant Generator
is too slow:
Try increasing CPU Load
in Distant Horizons settings for faster generation, but you will experience more lag spikes and stuttering due to heavier workload on CPU.
To see if Distant Generator
is really working or not:
1) Check CPU usage while in-game, using Aggressive
settings of CPU Load
. If CPU usage's hovering around 80-100%, the LoDs are generating in the background.
2) Go to DH settings > Advanced Options > Debug > Wireframe
, set Enable Debug Wireframe Rendering
and Show World Gen Queue
to True
Enabling both settings will show you the visualization of world gen tasks queued and working on the map (blue boxes for queued tasks, red boxes for working tasks)the youtuber also used only tectonic alone
That's onyl tectonic?

(plus asianhalfsquat has a 4090)
Well yeah obviously he has a better pc but I'm pretty sure my pc could run it fine?
Not sure
But it might
what are your specs?
May sound stupid
I forgor what specs are
Isn't just what my pc has?
the specifications of the pc
3060ti, i5 13th gen, I forgot the rest
32 I think?
Or 64
yea that should work fine
@Puhpine (GMT +2)
Increase ram allocation
Use the optimized threading guide on iris server
Or if you can't access it then
In that order
In the threading tab
In advanced options
I'm too lazy to remember each threading option name
there is a problem
i cant do 0.6
i can only do 06
also where do i put each at

nvm im stupid
but the first one
whats that supposed to be
it just says "World generator threads = Logical Cores,"
also still doesnt work
Oh my god @Brussel_sprouts just ping me please if someone needs threading optimizations 😭
@Tanorn How many total threads does your CPU have?
how can i check
my bad
Just set the CPU to load to I Paid For The Whole CPU and check what the numbers go to. That setting uses every thread
alternatively you can just check with Task Manager the number of logical cores
minecraft pauses the game every time i open task manager
That's fine, just check how many logical cores or processors there are in the CPU tab
once you get the threading set right it usually increases loading speed by a fair bit without stuttering the whole time
Ok that's an odd number
yesterday my cpu was on 100..,.
not its on 30
you sure it's that and not 16 or 12?
and it shouldnt be
100 percent utilization?

Logical processors is threads so that's at 20
World generator threads = 20
World gen percentage = 0.6
File handler threads = 10
File handler percentage = 0.4
Update propagator threads = 10
Propagator percentage = 0.6
LOD builder thread = 20
Builder percentage = 0.5
make sure you get the percentages for the runtimes correct because that is where things get finnicky
got it
my frames died
Did they?
Wait how many FPS did you have before?
like 50?
Because this threading table will knock down FPS a fair bit but it'll be stable
Ok that's normal
50 fps but no stuttering and much faster LOD loading
you want a stable FPS that's lower and not swinging and freezing from full FPS to nothing the whole time
can you see the terrain loading?
it should be loading visibly
look at this
all i pretty much is to be able to see far away
thats all
Welp terrain was loading pretty darn quick so if you can handle the 50 fps it'll take around and hour to compeletely load 256 chunks
once that happens, dump your CPU load to minimal impact
1 hour
wait so
did asianhalfsquat wait 1 hour or is his pc just a lot better
Well, he's got an i9 14900K which is a 24 core and 48 thread CPU I think so his processing times are probably around 50 percent better than yours but he certainly did wait at least an hour to pregenerate chunks and LODs
a lot of these people let their computers run overnight with a high CPU load (or optimized) and set the render distance to over 512 chunks which will make sure the computer loads as much terrain as it can during the night
i see
there is one more thing i need help with
In any case, performance is very weird with this combo and is heavily reliant on how good your CPU is and not your GPU XD
Fire away, I might know how to help 👍
okay so
now i need this

i know this is probably retrarra bla bla
but i have the mod right
do you know by any chance what preset it is?
I'll be honest with you, I don't personally think it's right to illegally use bootlegs of Terraforged's 1.20.1 port 0.0.6 because the dev removed it specifically because it's not finished and he doesn't want people using it
that's Tectonic too by the way
not Terraforged
If you combine Tectonic with William Wyther's Overhauled Overworld you ain't gonna get better than that, trust me
so its illegal?
it's just... questionable in terms of morality
okay ill give it a go
alright my bad
like, use the mod all you want if you want to mess with it but please don't distribute it to other people
oh i wont
I have it too from when the links were still up but I generally don't provide support for using it just because I feel that 0.0.7 will be far more worth while waiting for
there is a problem
William Wyther's Overhauled Overworld isnt on 1.20.1
Uuuh yeah it is
I've used it on 1.20.1
it is??
Yeah let me DM you the modfile 🤣
my bad
i hhave it
Ah alright
its just i want to make a REALLY good tiktok with this
and find something like this yk
Oh boy, if you do then please tell everyone that the mods are on modrinth and to stop coming to the Iris discord asking where Distant Horizons is 😭
Or like to my guide on how to install the mods 🤣
oh yeah
i mightve been one of those
i dont remember
i wasnt
Ok good XD
128 chunks 15 minutes
256 1 hour
312 2 hours
512 8 hours
1024 20 hours
2048 around a month
that's generally speaking what happens if you don't have a Threadripper CPU
whats Threadripper CPU
AMD's most powerful CPU line
oh right
they have upwards of 48 cores
the newest one has 96 cores
and 192 threads 🥶
AVA here in this discord did a real number on Distant Horizons and loaded 2048 chunks IN TWO HOURS
oof i dont know if i can do the tiktok anyways
my thing lags
like 20 frames
what GPU do you have?
as soon as you start moving you're going to have some issues probably
rtx 3060ti
im using a shader
bliss shader
Oh wait, that's not a bad GPU
Bliss is wonky
turn on temporal upscaling in the antialiasing settings
and set the upscale factor to 0.60
should help a ton with FPS
i see no antialiasing
im using the developer build
Go to post processing, antialiasing, temporal upscaling as at the bottom
and this?
this just adjusts how much smaller the rendering resolution is relative to your screen
so if you render at 0.60 you're upscaling by a third
if you set it to 0.75 your upscaling by a quarter
0.60 I've found to be the lowest value before you start seeing fuzziness
i might mess with vanilla minecraft settings
to see if i can get the best results
keep in mind there might be some really goofy ahh looking artifacts with this so use at your own risk 🤣
12 chunks render distance
for default
also simulation distance down to 8 works well too
it wont mess with horizons right?
why cant i just set it to the lowest?
because then you'll see the LOD's really obviously
12 chunks is long enough distance that you won't see the transition to LODs as much
also do seeds work with the 2 world generation mods?
of course the generation will be totally different
because they're modifying the terrain
oh right
however keep in mind that for general terrain features seeds for Tectonic will work regardless
so you cant really get the same world as someone
Unless they use the same terrain generator
WWOO only does what's on top of the terrain but doesn't modify the biome placement or terrain itself so a tectonic seed with someone using vanilla biomes will work with WWOO and Tectonic
Don't go too low with that value though, if you see an unsharp look, go up to 0.75
i see
yeah looks kinda off
that's the tradeoff, raise it a bit to 0.75
should be identical
at least it is on my screen
in terms of quality to the non upscaled graphics
but i will loose more frames as the time passes
because more and more chunks loadf

cant be good
No it shouldn't be that bad
ignore it
if you're using Tectonic that error gets thrown all the time
basically DH gives up on loading the chunk and comes back later and loads it anyway
that's what happens in my experience anyway
ahh i see
im down to 30 fps ._.
imma see if i can change some settings
Hmmmm, could be the generator freaking out
3060 ti is good, but it's only so good
40 frames now
should i put more ram in the curseforge app?
It might swing around a bit
you want 6 to 8 gb of ram by the way
what happened...

pc sounds like an airplane rn
As they should be XD
do you need any more help @Tanorn ? otherwise I will close the post