Any advices on making DH run on a bit of an heavier pack? (310)
Just running some tests, and it's already being a bit clogged up trying to pre render for 128 chunks (as you can see from the pic). I do have some performance mods like Noisium installed, but any advices to reduce the load a bit and let DH function well? Also allocated 14GB of ram on this instance.

11 Replies
For the timeout, you can increase the max time in the DH setting somewhere
To speed it up you can use mods:
- Noisium
- Faster Random
Ah, I see, Didn't know that was an option
or any other performance mod that will reduce CPU usage
Have both, is just very... big usage I guess this pack
Either that or my CPU is crap tbh
it is probaby the pack, DH can run on rasbery pi
Yeaaa, probably that. Let me share it real quick.
So yea, it's probably that
thx anyway
Raspberry pi mentioned
Hey guys, did you know that in terms of distant horizons performance, A raspberry Pi is the most compatible device for distant horizons? Not only is it in batocera.linux, which is mostly known for great optimization, Raspberry PI 4s are an average of 3.74 x 2.76 x 0.98 inches and 2.29 ounces, this means they’re large enough to be able handle hot temps, and with its impressive customizability for cooling and access to extra ports, you can modify one. Due to minecraft's mostly low overhead system requirements , there’s no doubt in my mind that an overclocked Raspberry PI 5 would be incredibly powerful, so powerful that you could easily use 128 chunks with one for hours without stuttering.
Guess if anyone has a bunch of time to spares and wants to, would love to have this mess optimized for DH