38 Replies

Could you send a f3 screenshot?
sure loading back in the game
Also iris+dh isn’t on 1.20.2
So iris 1.7 supports dh but not before it
Like 1.6 Iris doesn’t

so what version is best?
1.7 but it’s not on 1.20.2
nah minecraft versiom
So then remove iris and see if it still happens
thanks ill restart now
but how do people use shaders if theres only a 1.20.2 version?
There isn’t a 1.20.2 version
There is 1.20.1,1.20.4,and 1.20.6
u talking bout dh or iris
Dh+iris compatability
Dh can be standalone on 1.20.2
so 1.20.4 is best option for mod compatibility?

removed iris
but on modrinth there isnt a 1.20.4 ver
I’ve seen this before but I need to find the fix
there is only dh 1.20.2 on modrinth
thanks dude
i appriciate the help
This is for DH ⬆️
Best for mod compatibility is Minecraft 1.20.1 but it gets older every day
1.20.6 is too new and still a little buggy with some mods
i just loaded in with the iris ver
and its not loading in as far
You enabled near fog in DHs settings
Set it to far only
ok thx dude
Game looks like this
Any recommended fixes
Please don't ping moderators they will get through the help me posts at their own pace
sry mb
Please use an actual screen recorder
I have no idea what needs fixing
Is it that one side isnt generated fully yet?
Looks normal
@nahv Do you still need support or can I close this post?
close it