Get another shader while not using shaders
I currently have shaders disabled and am not using any of the mods listed in the known incompatible mod list. I do have many mods installed, but none are in the list nor should any conflict. I could give a mod list if needed, I don't know the best way to give one though.
16 Replies
I also tried two different shaders that should be compatible, but didn't make a difference
Having an unsupported shader selected even when turned off can result in that message
You can remove all of the incompatible shaders from the shader folder
Or install and select a compatible one
Still even if it would be disabled
I have a supported shader selected currently even while my shaders are disabled. I even made a new world and it gives me the same error
whats the shader you are using? and the version of that shader?
Well, you should be able to just ignore it…
Too old

You need the in dev version from GitHub
I also tried with ComplementaryReimagined_r5.1.1
Distant Horizons shader compatibility info
Distant Horizons shader compatibility info. GitHub Gist: instantly share code, notes, and snippets.
also too old
you need up to date shaders, as shader compatability was just added
I will update bliss and let you know how it goes
Error is gone, thank you
This was the issue. Old shaderpack, yet it wasnt visible or selected in the settings.
It seems this might be common later on, if people are upgrading their iris.