File size limit?
I am trying to create a map file for the build server I play on, I have tried to do this twice now and it seems that as soon as I get near 2gb file size it fails somehow and I no longer see any of the LOD terrain. The image is what I am seeing but there should be terrain far beyond what is shown. MC version 1.20.1, DH version 2.1.2-a, Iris 1.7.2 Sodium 0.5.11

52 Replies
There shouldn't be any file size limit. I've seen files way bigger than 2 gb.
Does it produce any errors?
Do you have enough space on your drive?
Could it be some sort of hdd overwrite?
Like those fake sd cards?
where to i check for errors?
In logs
You should send your
file to provide additional useful information.
Logs are located in the .minecraft/logs
On Windows: %appdata%\.minecraft\logs
On Linux: ~/.minecraft/logs
On Mac: ~/Library/Application Support/minecraft/logs
Please upload the file to instead of sending the raw file. This makes reading the contents of the file a lot easier and improves the chances of you getting the help needed.
After uploading the file, click on Save
and send the 10TB enough? /s
Nooo, that'll fill up within one play session!!!
how expensive did you buy the hard drive for
no, i've had that problem with sd cards so i don't buy cheap poss face stuff
oh ok
Ignore this question then
like £100 when new? it's a 2TB SSD
Are you using dh in a server?
yes, minecraft middle-earth server if that means anything
Idk if middle earth has dh serverside support
try testing it on a single player world
@feuerdrache0 was doing something similar on the same server
upto 2GB?
Do you have multiple servers
with the same name
Cus i think dh by default just makes the server folder names by the default "Minecraft server"
no only MCME and although there are loads of different worlds i've only been on the main build server
So it might be getting mixed up??(I have no idea if that's how it works)
these are all the logs from yesterday
@Puhpine (GMT +2) (sorry if pings aren't allowed
I'll take a look
the second link is from the main session
Are you trying to run DH 2.1.2 on the server?
(talking about first logs)
You can't
swear words
Use #Server-side support if you want DH to also run on the server (pinned message for install). But that's still experimental
You can also just not have DH on the server and it will still work
can i at least use the data i've already collected?
Distant generation just won't work
I'm not sure
Yeshi once told me you can't
Idk if that's still the case
Or maybe I'm misremembering
so i'm using 1.20.1 (MC version) but i can also use 1.19.4 on the server, might that make a difference?
Are you using viafabricplus?
Or does middle earth server have uhhh
Like it allows other people to join using higher versions
Shouldn't make a difference
no idea, it kinda just does its own thing
i think you can but things will look derpy
1.20.1 is long term support for almost every mod anyway so I don't recommend downgrading just to join a server
Try using viafabricplus
me logging on the server or installed serverside?
Logging in the server
i'll check it out
Viafabricplus is a client side mod
Viaversion/Viafabric is for servers
leaving the settings in VC+ alone for now but it's still the same 😦
if i use something like bobby mod in single player would that let me load more chunks in dh?
more swear words
Yeh me 2
i'm using the wrong version apparently but i don't know which i should use
wrong virsion on DH ?
trying to use an a server that's either 1.19.4 or 1.20.1 depending if you want to use shaders or not
How much of mcme have you scanned for it to be over 2 gb?
25% ish
I’ll have to check but I don’t think mine is over 500mb at all
And I basically doubled the eriador territory coverage amount
This could also be a cause