Distant Horizons Server

Is it possible to have distant horizons generate chunks on a server if I know the seed?
9 Replies
TheNewSky3mo ago
If you're able to recreate the world generation you can generate it in singleplayer and then use that data for the server although any structures built by players wont appear in those as they wont be in your singleplayer world. You'll need to go around and update the LOD chunks to include them
Sharmuta3mo ago
How would I go about doing that Yea I get that, thats all good for me Its just a small Realm
TheNewSky3mo ago
You should be able to just get the world seed and create a singeplayer world with it and then generate the LODs in that world
Sharmuta3mo ago
Do I just Replace the realm world with the singleplayer folder? Let me generate it and see give me one sec
TheNewSky3mo ago
YAGPDB.xyz3mo ago
Single Player: - Overworld: .minecraft/saves/WORLD_NAME/data/DistantHorizons.sqlite - Nether: .minecraft/saves/WORLD_NAME/DIM-1/data/DistantHorizons.sqlite - End: .minecraft/saves/WORLD_NAME/DIM1/data/DistantHorizons.sqlite - Custom Dimensions: .minecraft/saves/WORLD_NAME/DIMENSION_FOLDER/data/DistantHorizons.sqlite Multiplayer: - .minecraft/Distant_Horizons_server_data/SERVER_NAME/
Sharmuta3mo ago
ok let me try this Thank you
Yeshi3mo ago
If it's a server you own try #Server side fork
Sharmuta3mo ago
ok thank you