68 Replies
can you include your mods list please?
okay wait
i got my mods on lunar client does that work?
oh you are lunar client
use a different minecraft launcher
i can use the regular one
you can yes

that's all my mods
do i need to change anything?
yes, not use lunar
is something wrong with lunar?
yes, it adds its own mods and tweaks that makes helping and troubleshooting really difficult
oh okay
consider using a mc launcher that doesnt add its own mods
well how do i solve the problem?
start by using a different mc launcher
what now?
use a different mc launcher
yes im using the usual mc launcher now
okay good
have you installed fabric there?
i got fabric loader
okay good, then transfer your mods from the lunar folder to the .minecraft folder
alright, try launching the game now
when im ine the game i have very low fps but the dh works
try lowering the cpu load in dh's settings
also, make sure to remove indium, you dont need it
also also, you can press
shift + win key + s
to take a screenshotoh well that's good to know, thanks
i don't think the sodium mod works cause im laying on about 20 fps
any solution u got for that?
Try with just sodium and see how much fps you are getting
What hardware does your computer have?
Oh, almost forgot, you probably need to allocate more ram to minecraft
The default is 2, which is not enough for dh
well i have given it 30 ram
i got 32 in total
That is not a healthy amount. Stick to something like 10 or 12
You can see that when you open F3, can you send a screenshot with F3 open?
okay hold up

this is what it looks like
You have a render distance of 32
That's why it's lagging
what do i change it to then?
Try 8
now i got about 80 fps
but no render distance
That is where dh comes in to play
just tell me what to do
It will slowly generate chunks
You don't need to do anything except wait
nothing is happening
You don't have a great cpu so it may take a while
World generation in general is quite slow, if you want to speed it up:
Install Noisium and Lithium, these mods can improve generation speed by a couple percent.
Make sure to remove the C2ME mod as it significantly slows down DH chunk generation by up to 35%.
CPU Load
in Distant Horizons settings for faster generation, but you will experience more lag spikes and stuttering due to heavier workload on CPU.
To see if Distant Generator
is really working or not:
1) Check CPU usage while in-game, using Aggressive
settings of CPU Load
. If CPU usage's hovering around 80-100%, the LoDs are generating in the background.
2) Go to DH settings > Advanced Options > Debug > Wireframe
, set Enable Debug Wireframe Rendering
and Show World Gen Queue
to True
Enabling both settings will show you the visualization of world gen tasks queued and working on the map (blue boxes for queued tasks, red boxes for working tasks)nothing is happening still
have you tried the second part of the bot's message?
to see if distant generation is working
hold up
how do i remove the c2me mod?
you delete it from the mods folder
i can't find a mod that's called c2me
then you dont have to remove it
before i had dh i could get up tp 1500 fps
now sodium works like trash tbh
its probably other mods giving you performance issues
DH can be quite a performance hog as well
alt + PS (PrintScreen)
is easierfor some reason i have never been able to make the printscreen button do what it should, across every windows ive tried it on
havent tried alt + ps though
What? How? It is a single button...
Press it and then press CTRL + V to paster the SS somewhere
How can it not work?
never worked
im not on windows rn so i cant test it