Server LOD & Chunk Delivery

Hello! Okay so I pregenerated (using INTERNAL_SERVER) the world and nether on my gaming PC for my self-hosted server... I just moved the LODs and region files over to the server, but now I am confused about what my friends will need on their clients and how it all "syncs." Do I give them the region files or just the sqlite LOD files? And how does it deal with the LODs/region files once things don't match the starting files? (like after playing for a while or if people join down the road) I understand that the server will hand out the LODs to the clients and that the chunks will update during gameplay (according to realtime updates radius I think?) but I just want to make sure that I don't flub here. Thanks!
3 Replies
Miki_P983d ago
Region files are handled by vanilla so I would just copy and keep them on the server As for LODs, clients will request the LODs they need, the server will send them and the client will store them, occasionally asking for updates If you want to reduce the server load slightly by decreasing the LOD request amount and/or want to save on bandwith when the server is running, you can ask players to download the LOD DB and put it in the correct folder, that will work, but it will also include all the LODs that they never loaded before and may never load at all so it will take up more space
xBuffaloBradOP3d ago
Wesome, that makes sense to me. So the region files just need to make it onto the server itself to reduce chunk loading strain, then the LOD db is all I need to send to the users. Thank you!
Miki_P983d ago
Region files are the vanilla chunks, if you won't copy them to clients it will be like not pregenerating vanilla chunks and you will lose the 100% correct LODs from Internal server, though they will still be a bit better then Features generation You don't need to send anything to anyone, clients will request LODs and the server will send the requested LODs, sending the DB is optional to even further reduce the server runtime load, though that won't be significant

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