Shaders(?) applying differently to LODs
I have this wierd pop in effect of LODs because they seem to be getting lighted differently by the shader. Is there a way to fix/tone this down? Video example: (1.20.1 on a server with all relevant mods on latest versions and DH on latest nightly)
3 Replies
Make sure DH’s brightness and saturation multiplayers are at 1.0
If Iris and DH are already at latest version it is up to the shader to match DH and vanilla terrain and blend between those 2
both at 1
i am using Bliss with default settings, which seems to be the recommended shader of choice, could you recommend another that works better with DH?
I use Bliss and don’t have this issue
You can try updating Bliss to the newest main branch or even unstable branch version
I use the unstable one