How to run Forge 1.20.1 in-dev?

Is there any way to run Forge 1.20.1 in-dev? If I clone the DH repo, the forge:client gradle task crashes during startup with the exception cpw.mods.niofs.union.UnionFileSystem$NoSuchFileException: /META-INF/version. If I add the mod to my own mod's gradle file, architectury gets very confused adding the JAR file using modCompile because I guess it has forge and fabric combined into one.
9 Replies
Puhpine2mo ago
You don't have to compile it yourself. Take a look at #links-n-downloads
RubydesicOP2mo ago
I'm a developer and I'm trying to add compatibility with my mod
Puhpine2mo ago
If you mean you want to run it from an IDE or smth like that, try asking in #dh-tech-talk . If mean you want to compile it, have you read the readme on how to compile?
Miki_P982mo ago
Running in-dev (env) is usually used to express running in IDE I think
cortex2mo ago
Vs2 big ships?
BackSun2mo ago
I haven’t been able to get forge to run in dev in over a year. I assume there’s an issue with our gradle/arhcitectury script is set up, but I haven’t been able to diagnose it. That being said if you just want to run DH with Forge you should be able to either use maven and Modrinth or just add the jar to your run/mods folder. (Some examples of this are available in the api example project).
RubydesicOP2mo ago
Just trying to fix the render order first We use architecture and it seems to get confused and unable to remap the mod if I add the merged jar in dev because architecture detects that it's mapped as intermediary and not srg
cortex2mo ago
BackSun2mo ago
In that case you can download one of the nightlys manually from #links-n-downloads and use the un-merged forge jar. It isn't as clean as using Maven, but might solve that problem.

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