Getting overloaded in the server console (not chat. Am on nightly)

any reason this is happening...? its not stopping and ive rendered everything with chunky and lods are done. have not noticed this before latest nightly.
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10 Replies
SkylectOP5mo ago
or is it doing something else...? Im not even moving
SkylectOP5mo ago
one more just so im not crazy..
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SkylectOP5mo ago
I do see its building lods slowly... but if i go up real high and set to 4096 my map loads
Puhpine5mo ago
Try increasing LOD building threads a bit
SkylectOP5mo ago
Okay will try. I have it at 6 now. May need to move to an actual desktop. Running it on a laptop with a ryzen 5600. only 8 core Could i go past 8? or is threads in DH physical cores or logical processors
Miki_P985mo ago
Threads in DH settings are threads Each thread can be assigned by the OS to a logical core or wait for this assigment if there are no more free logical cores left
пшш5mo ago
super strange that chunk update count is always zero, i'll have to look at that
SkylectOP5mo ago
That’s what was throwing me off. It doesn’t seem to be doing anything. I let it sit running all night. Bluemap was rendering as well. That finished in the middle of the night and according to htop, only one core is active (server core). But still the message pops Sorry my brain was half asleep last night and I wasn’t thinking lol Update. I have had the server up all day with my player logged in and it is still popping up about every 30s
пшш5mo ago
Should be fixed with next build
SkylectOP5mo ago
I’ll update later tonight!

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