What sort of performance toll does 1440p have over 1080p?

Planning to, somewhere in the (hopefully near) future upgrade my 75hz 1080p monitor to a 1440p one. How much of a percentage decrease should i see in performance when using 1440p compared to 1080p? (Im on forge 1.20.1, i use only ~100 lod render distance with high preset rethinking voxels shaders, medium dh presets with high vertical detail, and 8 chunks of vanilla render distance) (dh 2.1.2 since oculus breaks with 2.2) Specs are: 3060 ti, ryzen 5 3600, 16gb of dual channel 3200 MHz ram (~10 is allocated to minecraft) [nothing is overclocked, everything is out of the box and temps are always under 75C]
10 Replies
Puhpine4mo ago
If you're always GPU bottlenecked, you'll see your fps almost be cut in half. If you're not always GPU bottlenecked, which is likely the case, the answer gets more complicated
King D. Von
King D. VonOP4mo ago
alr ty
This is fine
This is fine4mo ago
tbh just try it, use resolutionControl ++ to increase your 1080p to 1440. if the impacts arent noticable which i think is likely since your gpu is much better than your cpu, you could keep playing 1440 on your 1080p since that would give a better image
Brussel_sprouts4mo ago
The fact that there's rethinking voxels in the mix makes me think that the jump from 1080 to 1440 might tank your fps a bit more than you'd like it to
Miki_P984mo ago
resolutionControl+ is terrible and always broke many things when using it, like the hand would be out of screen, water would be invisible, QDAA is the only valid AA mod for MC, resolution control is just a broken testing tool
This is fine
This is fine4mo ago
idk worked fine for me, guess ill keep that in mind when recommening it
Miki_P984mo ago
It breaks the most if you enable fabulous graphics from my experience, so you can try to replicate it that way
This is fine
This is fine4mo ago
eh i just play with fancy cause i cant see the diffrence
Stephen53114mo ago
Hey, how much FPS do you get with Distant Horizons while playing? Asking for another guy who has very similar specs as you
King D. Von
King D. VonOP4mo ago
i get around 100-120 fps playing with high preset rethinking voxels on 100 lod distance on 1080p, dh presets are around medium with high vertical quality i couldnt be bothered enough to pregenerate 600 lods tbh keep in mind that im running on forge with a lot of mods and with dh 2.1 instead of the newest release so expect higher performance on fabric on the latest version and a pbr texture pack

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