158 Replies
also another question is that how do i combine terraforged with iris and dh because in this video this guy manages to do it https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JgB1X6bzlow
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Some of the mods I used in this video are using beta versions only found through the mods discord servers at the moment, not through Modrinth or or Curseforge. The discord links can be found within the links below but...
Check F3 menu and see if there are LODs queued for generation
And did you try setting the CPU load higher?
And please send the crash logs for when you combine terraforged with iris and dh
where can i find the crash logs?
You should send your
file to provide additional useful information.
Logs are located in the .minecraft/logs
On Windows: %appdata%\.minecraft\logs
On Linux: ~/.minecraft/logs
apparently too long lemme take pic

if only the logs told the user exactly what to do
i have a tiny brain
its a fabric mod
do i need
and fabric
im not understanding the question

im not following, are you running fabric or forge?
Iris is a fabric mod
you are not

Double bruh
that was the wrong log
are the most recent logs
at the bottom
thought it was at the top
The most recent one is called latest.log
That depends on how you sort your folder
this is the log
Click that and you can make it switch between oldest and newest at the top

you have the wrong DH version
use the RC from announcments
i have the 1.16.5 one
yes, the correct mc version
but the wrong DH version
so the dh version needs to be the same
as the mc version
or it crashes
go to announcments
download the file
its downloading
so do i put it
in the mods folder
first extract the file
so do i drag
the 1.16.5
into the mods folder
it says its a fabric mod
it is lying
did you delete the old one?

yeah i did
that is weird

these r the mods i have
Maybe try the one from #links-n-downloads
im not gonna question why you have your shaders in your mods folder...
you see
im trying to build the most
not build
have the most realistic mods
I think he got it lol
ur questioning the location
where should it be then
shaderpacks should not be put in the mods folder
in the shaders folder

doesnt seem to be one
that means you have never launched the game with a shader loader
You can just make it yourself
how can i launch it with a shader loader
Install iris
isnt that fabric
Or oculus
Sorry got them mixed up
But you can also just make a folder called "shaderpacks" yourself
i keep forgetting
theres a no swear rule
Lots of ppl do
Dw about it as long as u dont try to bypass it
crashed again
lemme get
such a cute little kitten shouldnt swear anyway
i think terraforged caused the crash
im wondering how
this dude
terraforged with dh
and shaders
and didnt crash
he doesnt even wanna tell how he did it smh
probably didnt use 1.16.5
its 1.16.5-0.2.16
thats the terraforged version
shader compat isnt available for 1.16 anyway
Seems to be an issue with loading a config file
only 1.20.1 on forge
Try deleting your config folder
that didnt work
Testing it on my machine rq
also when i put the shader in the shaderpacks folder its not showing up
Thats because you havent installed oculus yet
whats that
also did you get results yet
Nope, have to change java distro
maybe its bc of my java version
You need two things to use shaders, a shader mod (Oculus, Iris or optifine) and a shaderpack
You have the right java version
The shader mods make the shaders show up in the game, the shaderpack decides what kind of shaders are loaded into the game
and the problem is, is that the oculus version you need is only available for 1.20.1
Eah and it shocks me how this person is able to do it but not others
I think the guy in the video built the terraforged version themselves
Maybe he’s keeping it as a secret?
Is it possible to do that urself
Yes but its very complex
And not something I do or can explain
i dont think terraforged is public at the moment, because they got so many questions on how to get it running with DH and shaders
To recreate the video, you will have to wait for the reterraforged mod to release publicly
and not use 1.16.5
Would mean sacrificing terraforged
So yeah..
Guess it’s impossible
terraforged will also be available for new minecraft versions
why do you think it is only for 1.16
Will prob be impossible
Or take a billion years
What’s reterraforged
oh right
Terraforged is a world gen mod that is not being developed anymore, reterraforged is that mod but other people are continuing to develop it and update it to newer versions
So I could use reterraforged instead to see if it works?
No, reterraforged is not public
Prob gonna take like
A couple months
For it to be public
i meant reterraforged when i sayed this
yea could be, we dont know
It was public for a bit but they were flooded with people asking for help with very simple things and it was halting development, so its probably gonna be faster this way lol
Is reterraforged gonna be 1.20.4 when it finishes?
So the alternative should be like tectonic
And terralith then
Since DH is not supported with terraforged
It will be on whatever is the latest version at that time
It used to be, still not sure why its breaking
Ive used it myself but it might have broke somehow
Testing it myself rn with terralith and latest DH from #links-n-downloads
Wait did it actually crash or just not load LODs last time you tried it?
It didn’t generate the further lods and then it crashed
Just like here?
yes, just like here
(i have no idea how it was there)
welp, say goodbye to your mod status
no wa7
Oh yeah
Lalala nothing to see here
Well I just tried it and yup, seems to crash all right
maybe the videos was prerecorded
good news, now we know it is not because timetoblitzkrieg did something wrong

But just change computer to #bug-report
or maybe they used reterraforged and got a copy of it before it got nuked
Or gitlab would be better
but pretty sure the file would cease to work
does it work on modrinith tho?
Does what work on modrinth?
Reterraforged and DH and shaders
If you have the jar, it can work anywhere
But we dont have the jar, so you cant use it
There are people that got the file of the mod and they can use it just fine, just nobody can make new ones cus the devs locked that down so they dont get annoying support questions
So they can’t dupe it?
Theoretically yes but that would make you kinda a poopy person
and you could get a virus if you download it from some stranger
Cus if you were to just distribute it yourself and get more people to ask annoying support questions to the devs, then development of the mod would slow down again
That too
Dont use jars from strangers
why would they slow down development just bc of some question makes no sense
because they would be spending all of their time answering questions
instead of working on the mod
They wanted to have people test the mod to find issues with it, instead they got 100s of people asking basic support questions
They wanted to find actual bugs with the mod tho, so they combed though those questions to see if they had encountered bugs to fix
I mean they could hire a team of people who answer questions and then
The devs can work on it
They dont make money off making mods
hire? do you think they make any money?
for free
its hard to find trustworthy people
And knowledgable people
you cant just find a group that can help you
So the development got delayed because of the questions?
not anymore
i dont know how long it was a problem for
Because they were looking though all the questions to see if people had encountered actual bugs, yes
wonder what basic stuff they were asking
Likely just "How do I change settings" or crash reports with 200 other mods
just look throught the help-me posts here and you will get a glimps of how it probably was there
and people just using the complete wrong versions of mods
so the word
can’t bypass
the word
can’t bypass to say it tho
I said the Nether
i saw the word
which is basically
and the thing bevers make
thats worth a double ban! congrats!
Yes /s
Mc in 2030 be like:
mountains remind me of terraforged