Create Dreams & Desires, do we know why it doesn't work?

So I've seen on the compatibility FAQ that Create: Dreams & Desires doesn't work. I can't find any issues on the DH Gitlab, or on "Create: Dreams & Desires' " Github mentioning the incompatibility. Is there somewhere this is documented where I can't find it? I've found a post on this, but not the answers I seek. I'm trying to troubleshoot a beast of a modpack that is making me pay for my hubris, so I'm trying to see if this is a cause of my major issues. AFAIK "Create: Dreams & Desires" is not actually generating in my world since i'm using Big Globe with a Create generation patch datapack that does not account for "Create: Dreams & Desires". If no answer is available, that's fine, I'm just tying up loose ends.
37 Replies
Puhpine3mo ago
whats the mods list? most of the time the logs include a mods list
Sneaky_TankOP3mo ago
Oh oki one sec its long, pastebin or txt doc?
Sneaky_TankOP3mo ago
oh discord makes a text doc
Puhpine3mo ago
dont see anything wrong in the mods list. what exactly doesnt work?
Sneaky_TankOP3mo ago
Is uncaught exception in thread caused by a corrupt config file? I've seen a lot of that from DH, and had a lot of instability on generation even though I'm throwing 32 cores and 56gb of ram at minecraft with good Java params AFAIK
Puhpine3mo ago
smells like an incompatability between DH and some other mod wilder wilds can do this, but you dont have that so maybe another mod does the same as wilder wilds
Sneaky_TankOP3mo ago
gotcha, well I'll start binary sorting, as nothing on here except Dreams and Desires is listed as incompatible.
Puhpine3mo ago
because you shouldnt need to allocate more than like 12 gb to the game, 16-20 if its heavily modded please dont allocate 56 gb
Sneaky_TankOP3mo ago
Welll I'm trying to pre-generate 512 chunks radius from spawn... So I'd like my java to stop complaining about not having enough ram
Puhpine3mo ago
yea, but 12-16 should be plenty, even when generating large areas
Sneaky_TankOP3mo ago
oh really? Even with Big Globe, which says to use 8gb minimum due to the 2048 world height?
Puhpine3mo ago
youd be leaning more to the 16 gb, but yes, even with big globe
Sneaky_TankOP3mo ago
Alrighty, thanks, I'll try it out.
Puhpine3mo ago
Sneaky_TankOP3mo ago
oh. I left the ram allocation on 8192 MB rather than even the 56gb previous... That could explain a thing for sure. oopsie woopsies
Puhpine3mo ago
oof lol
Sneaky_TankOP3mo ago
Still, was having problems before, but lets see how 16gb fares me It fares me well, which is frustrating given previous performance.
Puhpine3mo ago
Well I'm glad it's working
Sneaky_TankOP3mo ago
I may have made a discovery that warrants adding to the mod compatibility doc. When using Big Globe, lower the Cave culling height from the standard 60 to mostly fix the issue with the weird sky-island ominous monoliths.
Sneaky_TankOP3mo ago
example of the monoliths
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Puhpine3mo ago
yea thats a known problem
Sneaky_TankOP3mo ago
reduced monoliths
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Puhpine3mo ago
i think its mostly solved if you use the most up to date versions of both big globe and DH but i forgot the details
Sneaky_TankOP3mo ago
I actually did that, and could be mis-attributing things, oopsies. I'll try turning mine back up to see how it works out.
Sneaky_TankOP3mo ago
confirmed, height of 60 causes this, and I believe the settings I had before were like 100ish which may have made it worse.
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Miki_P983mo ago
Big Globe reduces ocean level that is why default cave culling of 60 is broken I asked/suggested the Big Globe creator to change the cave culling to 0 or even -10 though the DH API, but he decided not too So you can say it is intended behavior
Sneaky_TankOP3mo ago
ahhh well that'll do it
Puhpine3mo ago
but he decided not too
thats probably the detail i forgot lol
Sneaky_TankOP3mo ago
I tried using -10 for the cave culling height and that caused some rendering issues because the issue was still persistant even with it set to 0
Miki_P983mo ago
What rendering issues?
Sneaky_TankOP3mo ago
I didn't take a screenshot. It made things render where they didn't belong, with lots of visual artifacts.
Miki_P983mo ago
That is not suppose to happen Either way, you can try disabling cave culling
Sneaky_TankOP3mo ago
oh, yeah I suppose that would help. I'd rather not though because there's a lot of caves in Big Globe worlds.
Miki_P983mo ago
Try setting it to -10 again and if visial artifact show up try restarting the game
Sneaky_TankOP3mo ago
That actually fixed the issue. Didn't get any visual artefacts.
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Sneaky_TankOP3mo ago
the artefact and rendering issue may have arisen from having briefly set it to -100 by fat-fingering, its fine on -10

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