Updating versions/converting LOD
so I'm on version 2.0.1. a-1.20.1 and i want to update the mod. will it save my LOD/chunks I've loaded? cause i only use this mod on a multiplayer server and I don't know if i will have to go over every single chunk I've been in again or if it will save
51 Replies
so this happened

Try deleting the config file
To edit the config, press the button next to the FOV slider to edit the config.
The config file found in .minecraft/config/DistantHorizons.toml
nope same error
Send logs please
You should send your
file to provide additional useful information.
Logs are located in the .minecraft/logs
On Windows: %appdata%\.minecraft\logs
On Linux: ~/.minecraft/logs
On Mac: ~/Library/Application Support/minecraft
So you have to go to every chunk again?
It will save all the chunks loaded from 2.0.1
Ah thank god
there are a lot of logs which one do i select?
Will it also automatically compress the file size?
The one that's called
Like the bot said
Thanks for that info! 🙂
You can manually compress it tho
Ohh interesting
How exactly would it work?
its not letting me open it
I have no idea
Just drag it into this chat
You can open it with any text file editor
Looks like a mod called compact chat is messing things up
Try removing that
nope same error
Send the new latest.log
Compact chat is still installed
its weird cause all the 1.20.1 version of these mods all worked perefectly together
The version you're using of compact chat isnt updated for 1.20.6
You have 2.0.2, you need 2.1.1
omg your right i downloaded the wrong version
90% of modpack troubleshooting be like
so its just a waiting game now?

I’m just gonna load my world again with the new version
Migrating the old files might be very annoying
See I am currently LoDing mcme to send the file to others for them not having to explore all of it to see it
Yesterday I got more than half of eriador 💀
Today imma do it again…
Where hobbiton and generally the shire is
That big part

ohh lord of the rings
yeah never read the books or seen the movies
Oh yes
Do it
Do it now 😄
Welp needless to say it is a huge area
From top to bottom took me 7 minutes to fly across in creative
And that’s only that region heh
so is it converting the lod or is it not cause that number hasnt moved from 0

also how will i know if its done converting if its doing it at all?
so ive not moved this entire time has it converted anything?

for anyone whose looking at this now
so the only thing that is changing are those 2 numbers in the middle but both are just increasing

it said the LODs would load slowly but nothing is appearing around me
Are you on servers?
yeah i only use this on a server
and only this server
Yeah on servers, only chunks that you've explored will have lods generated.
i mean i had it all loaded before i updated the mod just a couple hours ago and a chat message appeared saying it was converting the old LOD data to the new version and pretty much i had to wait
but nothing is changing
like the LOD data folder for the server is still there

i am beyond confused