I am trying to start a modded server for me and my friend. What game ver and mod loader?
I am trying to host a modded server for me and my friend to play on, and I want to be able to run shaders. I played a single player world on 1.21.1 just fine, but Fabric doesn't have the variety in mods I'm looking for. I tried to go to forge, and I am having issues with shaders not working properly.
What game version and mod loader should I use?
22 Replies
if you use neoforge you should just be able to use latest DH and latest iris. forge on 1.21.1 got dropped by pretty much everyone though, so youll indeed find a lot of problems if you decide to use that
What game version of neoforge should I use?
this was talking about 1.21.1
if you want to use 1.20.1, youll have to use forge
you should probably look into what mods you actually want to play with
I have
I've been trying to just set it all up rn, and I've been pulling my hair out
do more of them support 1.20.1 or 1.21.1? do more of them support fabric or neoforge/forge?
I mianly want terrain gen + biomes o plenty, create, gun mods, and harder mobs.
Thanks for the info, though
I'm gonna try neoforge
then you should probably use 1.20.1, as create doesnt support any higher
in which case you shouldnt use neoforge
I can go without it honestly
have you looked into the specific gun mod you want to use?
Point Blank
which seems to have lots of support across a lot of the mod loaders/versions
yea, then i dont see why you couldnt just use fabric 1.20.1
but honestly I was gonna look at the mods after I got shaders, DH, biome and terrain mods working first
1.20.1 has the best mob support right now
1.21.1 second best
Some mods have not even updated to 1.20.1 yet and require a use of in-dev alpha
Fabric has less big game changing mods, but it has more native performance mods
(Neo)Forge has more big game changing mods, but every time I tried it, the stability and mod compatibility was worse and the lack of native performance mods was clearly visible and feelable
Also 1.20.1 forge has problems with shaders with DH, so the best in my opinion is 1.20.1 fabric
shaders, DH, biome and terrain mods are my priority over everything else
Those should work with both, so I would go for fabric for performance mods
I'm gonna try 1.20.1 fabric then
I'll be back if I have any issues
thanks for the help fellas <3
I can send the worldgen mod list, shaders and configs and RPs for this worldgen if you want:

do that please
thank you
World preset: Large Biomes
Shaders: Modified Bliss for
and other mods support https://github.com/MikiP98/Bliss-Shader
- PureBDCraft
- PureBDCraft shader support for 1.14
- VanillaTweaks
- {Mod built-in RPs}
World gen mods:
- Terralith
- Tectonic (custom config)
- TerraBlender (custom config)
- Lithostitched
- Biomes O' Plenty
- Nature's Spirit
- Amplified Nether
- BetterNether (disable BetterX world type!)
- BetterEnd (disable BetterX world type!)
Other recommended mods:
- Performance mods:
- Embeddium for fabric
- NVIDIUM (disables itself while shaders are active)
- ImmediatelyFast
- Lithium
- Better Beds
- Dynamic FPS
- kennytvs-epic-force-close-loading-screen-mod-for-fabric
- lazy-language-loader
- Language Reload
- {and more!}
- Structure mods:
- {all YUNG's mods}
- Dungeons and Taverns
- Sparse Structures
- {and more!}
- Immersive mods (+QoL and stuff):
- Ambient Sounds
- Presence Footsteps
- Sound Physics Remastered
- ImmersiveThunder
- Better Clouds
- Ears (+ Snouts/Muzzles, Tails, Horns, Wings, and More)
- [EMF] Entity Model Features
- [ETF] Entity Texture Features
- [ESF] Entity Sound Features
- AppleSkin
- Eating Animation
- Better Mipmaps
- Centered Crosshair
- Chat Heads
- Cave Dust
- Advancement Plaques
- Attack Through Grass
- Continuity
- Villager Names
- Simple Voice Chat
- Voice Chat Interaction
- Zoomify
- {and more!}.
I myself use over 327 mods at the moment so I could be going and going
From more game changinh add stuff adding mods I have:
- some [Let's Do] mods
- Create with addons
- Farmer's Delight Refabricated with addons
is a very cool keepInventory balanced alternative
Humility AFM
has some cool furniture
Humility SE
some cool balanced enchants