Instant crash cannot boot up

Hi, I wanted to come in and ask what to do about this instant crash where I cant even load into the game. Mod List: forge-1.20.6-50.0.22-client.jar |Minecraft |minecraft |1.20.6
forge-1.20.6-50.0.22-universal.jar |Forge |forge |50.0.22
DistantHorizons-2.0.1-a-1.20.2 (2).jar |Distant Horizons |distanthorizons |2.0.1-a |ERROR
crash logs:
8 Replies
story short, it simply doesnt open. game drivers are up to date, And i didnt see a crash log similar to mine in other current help posts
Yeshi•10mo ago
latest.log would prob be most useful here /logs•10mo ago
You should send your latest.log file to provide additional useful information. Logs are located in the .minecraft/logs directory. On Windows: %appdata%\.minecraft\logs On Linux: ~/.minecraft/logs
Ilari•10mo ago
i mean you're using forge 1.20.6 try using 1.20.4
Yeshi•10mo ago
and get the 1.20.4 version of dh along with forge 1.20.4 #links-n-downloads
so is it more or less that 1.20.6 doesnt work yet?
Yeshi•10mo ago
oh :/ welp that sucks, thank you tho

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