Best DH settings and JVM arguments for my system?
So I have:
32GB 3600MHz
2TB Crucial P3 Plus
JVM Arguments:
-XX:+UseG1GC -Xmx10G -Xms10G -Dsun.rmi.dgc.server.gcInterval=2147483646 -XX:+UnlockExperimentalVMOptions -XX:G1NewSizePercent=20 -XX:G1ReservePercent=20 -XX:MaxGCPauseMillis=50 -XX:G1HeapRegionSize=32M
I aim to reduce stutter and increase my framerate as much as possible while still keeping LODs looking decent. So I'm wondering what the best settings are for Data Compression, Lossy World Compression, GPU Upload Method, etc. I run DH at 128 LOD distance and allocate 10GB of RAM (not sure if this is too much or too little). I set Minecraft to utilize all of my cores using Process Lasso and use one core for DH as allocating any more cores gets too stuttery for me. I tried allocating fewer cores to Minecraft itself but I seem to get worse performance. The garbage collector also seems to be causing a good bit of stutter as the graph spikes whenever my memory usage is cleaned so any help there would also be appreciated.
22 Replies
To decrease stutter, lower CPU load
That wont change the quality of the LODs, it will just make generating them slower
I have it at the minimum in DH settings
my render and sim dist are 8
And allocate less RAM, the more you allocate, the bigger stutters you'll get
Whats the DH render distance?
so like 6?
You can disable distant generation
Yeah 6 is good
Are you using the default JDK?
How do i find that out? im using the modrinth launcher
If you dont know, then you're probably not lol
Lemme look up how you change the JDK on modrinth
not sure if this is helpful at all
Ohh modrinth comes with zulu
(TLDR that is good and doesnt need to be changed)
alright cool
I set Minecraft to utilize all of my cores using Process Lasso
i tested it with half of my cores and then with all of my cores, and I had less stuttering and better performance when I checked all of the cores
Mc will just use all the cores by default
Or at least mods that can use multiple cores
That program is more for managing what program uses which cores and how much
You can change the priority of programs but it cant make something use more cores than it would by default
Still tho its probably not harming anything
For increasing just your general FPS, you will have to fiddle with the graphics settings of DH and your shaders yourself
right, i already kinda got my DH detail settings tweaked to my liking
medium is fine
You can try alternative GC:
- Z
- PZ
- GZ
- Shenadgog
should i try to get set my RAM as low as possible?
these are my flags:
depends on your GC
G1GC yes
ZGC no need to
Ill try yours out right now
Shenasomething is in between
if it crashes:
- go to modrinth setting
- copy the path to JDK 21
- go to your instance settings
- override the JDK path, set it to the path to JDK 21
I cant really tell but i think its running better
now what about Data Compression, Lossy World Compression, and GPU Upload Method settings
so would i be ok increasing to like 8 gigs maybe? I did see my memory usage in F3 hit the 90s
Z GC should run entirely in paraller