Distant Horizons crashes on Fedora 40 (Cinnamon) with Sodium and its add-ons (Indium and Nvidium.)

I recently installed Fedora 40 (Cinnamon) as a second operating system or dual-booting. Distant Horizons, for some reason, as it works on Windows 10 on the same computer, doesn't work and crashes before getting to the title screen when I enable Sodium, Indium, and Nvidium. It does work when I disable those three mods and get into a world, and vice versa when I disable Distant Horizons. I don't know if it's a known incompatibility or if I need to install a driver, library, or package. I included a crash log and mod list. I'm unsure what the correct terminal command is to get all the listed packages, as I'm still new to this Linux thing. Any answers or suggestions are appreciated.
Concurrent Chunk Management Engine [0.2.0+alpha.11.5]
Distant Horizons [2.0.1-a]
Entity Model Features [2.0.1]
Entity Texture Features [6.0.1]
Indium [1.0.30+mc1.20.4]
Mod Menu [7.2.2]
Nvidium [0.2.6-beta]
Quilted Fabric API [7.5.0+0.91.0-1.20.1]
Sodium [0.5.8+mc1.20.1]
Concurrent Chunk Management Engine [0.2.0+alpha.11.5]
Distant Horizons [2.0.1-a]
Entity Model Features [2.0.1]
Entity Texture Features [6.0.1]
Indium [1.0.30+mc1.20.4]
Mod Menu [7.2.2]
Nvidium [0.2.6-beta]
Quilted Fabric API [7.5.0+0.91.0-1.20.1]
Sodium [0.5.8+mc1.20.1]
Solved! Thank you, KBike.
13 Replies
ken3mo ago
I'm embarrassed at the fact I seem to miss that while reading the FAQ before sending this forum post. Thank you.
No description
Certified P. Drizzy
np and you can try nightly build in #links-n-downloads 2.0.1 is 5 months old atp
ken3mo ago
Fair enough.
ken3mo ago
Do I skip?
No description
Certified P. Drizzy
2 buttons below yes
ken3mo ago
Thank you. 👍
ken3mo ago
I'm in.
No description
ken3mo ago
What's with the "here be dragons?"
Certified P. Drizzy
old saying iirc you can google that
ken3mo ago
Here be dragons
"Here be dragons" (Latin: hic sunt dracones) means dangerous or unexplored territories, in imitation of a medieval practice of putting illustrations of dragons, sea monsters and other mythological creatures on uncharted areas of maps where potential dangers were thought to exist.
ken3mo ago
It looks like a warning, so that makes sense.