How can I fix this, the map vision suddenly disappears
How can I fix this, the map vision suddenly disappears
25 Replies
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does this happen without the shaders?
be able to
be able to
Try disabling frustum culling in DH’s advanced graphics
Can you be more specific?
Go to DH’s config button next to the FOV slider, click advanced, click graphics, click advanced graphics, click disable frustum culling.
After my tests, it didn't solve the problem
In that case try disabling your shaders and if that doesn’t work the. It might be some other mod conflict.
Hmm, you might be traveling too fast and DH just gives up.
Try increasing your CPU preset and/or traveling slower.
I isn't that fast, you can go faster in spectator or with similar speed with elytra and fireworks

After my testing, conflicts with valkyrien Skies.

hey, could u tell me what shaders u using? @Miki_P98
Depends on the screenshot, at first I used Bliss, but switched to Photon couple days ago, I will stay with Photon for now
this one
are photos?
This is not my screenshot, they might be Photon, Bliss has way more fog
oh yeah, i just realized its not ur ss sorry
no problem

This is Photon
Looks similar