Blocks tinting incorrectly in LOD chunks

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65 Replies
š“pothiconā€¢7mo ago
all those leaves should be red but in the lod chunks they turn green
txk IMcrafter
txk IMcrafterā€¢7mo ago
š“pothiconā€¢7mo ago
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txk IMcrafter
txk IMcrafterā€¢7mo ago
what version are you on? and what mods, as well
š“pothiconā€¢7mo ago
1.20.1 with oculus, embeddium, and hydrological it happens without shaders too
txk IMcrafter
txk IMcrafterā€¢7mo ago
Sry, but I couldn't even understand why should it be red, could you send a bigger screenshot, or explain the biome šŸ˜„
š“pothiconā€¢7mo ago
ah its a seasons kinda thing part of hydrological dark oak leaves turn red in autumnal areas
txk IMcrafter
txk IMcrafterā€¢7mo ago
oah, I see. It might be so that only the chunks that you explore change by the proper logic, while the distant ones remain 'default' or so, thus not getting the right color so in autumn they get red, are they green, as in distance, any time?
š“pothiconā€¢7mo ago
the "seasons" dont change yet so rn their always the same color
š“pothiconā€¢7mo ago
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š“pothiconā€¢7mo ago
green - yellow - red is a proper transition between autumnal and summer
txk IMcrafter
txk IMcrafterā€¢7mo ago
hm hm
š“pothiconā€¢7mo ago
but in the distance you see the red gets cut off straight to green eventhough it should keep being red
txk IMcrafter
txk IMcrafterā€¢7mo ago
i see if anyone catches up to this discussion, would be cool but for now, I would also not waste time and ask in the community of this very mod that is coloring them cuz, they may have answers on this
š“pothiconā€¢7mo ago
im the mod author of it i just dont know why DH wouldnt be checking the biome coloring
txk IMcrafter
txk IMcrafterā€¢7mo ago
I had a kinda similar thing. DH doesn't 'visit' the chunk, as a player, instead it 'composes' a LOD based on the chunk data Unless it's visited by player, there might be nothing to be read by DH as red
š“pothiconā€¢7mo ago
even if i visit it and it turns red, when i get further away it reverts back to green
txk IMcrafter
txk IMcrafterā€¢7mo ago
try going to the chunks over there, to see if they turn red, and get updated by DH get there, and wait some time it takes decent time for DH to update an area
š“pothiconā€¢7mo ago
txk IMcrafter
txk IMcrafterā€¢7mo ago
and crank up you Vanilla render dist it's not instant
š“pothiconā€¢7mo ago
also the tinting shouldnt be reliant on visiting the chunk as a player anyways since all its doing is math based on some noise inside the tint logic all blocks use if DH tints vanilla stuff properly than it should tint this too
txk IMcrafter
txk IMcrafterā€¢7mo ago
it's still tricky Only if someone knows the answer to the combo of DH and this mod Ask the mod's community for some thoughts!
š“pothiconā€¢7mo ago
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š“pothiconā€¢7mo ago
this is lod rendering only
txk IMcrafter
txk IMcrafterā€¢7mo ago
do you mean 'Distant generation' set to 'False' ?
š“pothiconā€¢7mo ago
š“pothiconā€¢7mo ago
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š“pothiconā€¢7mo ago
and those chunks stay red even when i leave for a while then they turn back to green
txk IMcrafter
txk IMcrafterā€¢7mo ago
where is this setting?
š“pothiconā€¢7mo ago
txk IMcrafter
txk IMcrafterā€¢7mo ago
sry, but i kinda lost it
Matiā€¢7mo ago
Show mod folder?
txk IMcrafter
txk IMcrafterā€¢7mo ago
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š“pothiconā€¢7mo ago
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Matiā€¢7mo ago
i saw a similar bug and two sodiums were causing it
txk IMcrafter
txk IMcrafterā€¢7mo ago
it says, it's not really supported, as a feature, mate
š“pothiconā€¢7mo ago
it was just to test if it would show the tint
Matiā€¢7mo ago
oh i think oculus is not working too great with it
š“pothiconā€¢7mo ago
it happens without shaders too tho
Matiā€¢7mo ago
you dont have much mods, i prefer to switch to fabric yes?
txk IMcrafter
txk IMcrafterā€¢7mo ago
that might be default behaviour of the combo, just because unvisited chunks aren't getting painted, thus DH doesn't get info
š“pothiconā€¢7mo ago
i will see if disabling oculus completely changes anything though
Matiā€¢7mo ago
š“pothiconā€¢7mo ago
it does get the info sometimes though it just un-gets it soon afterwards yeah still happens with no oculus
Matiā€¢7mo ago
i prefer fabric because it's working great and i don't ocur any bugs and game goes perfectly
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Matiā€¢7mo ago
that's weird
MayBikeā€¢7mo ago
that doesnt fix his problem
š“pothiconā€¢7mo ago
this is with 2 render distance and no oculus
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MayBikeā€¢7mo ago
and hydrological forge exclusive afaik
š“pothiconā€¢7mo ago
yeah at least until full release
MayBikeā€¢7mo ago
@James Seibel (GMT-6) you might wanna see this
š“pothiconā€¢7mo ago
works properly in some cases
š“pothiconā€¢7mo ago
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š“pothiconā€¢7mo ago
then breaks
š“pothiconā€¢7mo ago
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š“pothiconā€¢7mo ago
you can see the difference here the correct (red) tinting goes away after some time so visiting the chunks only temporarily solves it
BackSunā€¢7mo ago
Hmmā€¦ Having only quickly skimmed this thread Iā€™m guessing the tinting requires the chunks to be loaded on the server in order for tinting to be calculated correctly. So when DH reloads the chunks from memory the biome information it has is out of the bounds the MC server is prepared to give tinting info.
š“pothiconā€¢7mo ago
the tinting is actually client sided only
š“pothiconā€¢7mo ago
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š“pothiconā€¢7mo ago
vanilla tinting class
š“pothiconā€¢7mo ago
and i just mixin to the existing methods there
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š“pothiconā€¢7mo ago
only data used is the block pos and two density functions (all things that are available on the client, as necessary to function in a client only class) what it does is add infinite range color blending at no noticable performance cost while also allowing me to add dynamic locational-based seasons but the only thing that matters is that in the end all im doing is changing the return value that the vanilla block colors use using data thats always available to the client so DH shouldnt be able to even tell the difference another thing worth noting: I do the same thing to grass and DH respects that
š“pothiconā€¢7mo ago
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š“pothiconā€¢7mo ago
its just foliage it doesnt like
BackSunā€¢7mo ago
I see, interesting that grass works but leaves donā€™t. In that case DH might be using the wrong tinting method somewhere. Unfortunately Iā€™m not very familiar with that logic so I canā€™t give much information beyond that.
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