Distant Horizons•10mo ago

Crash after mod loading: "Exit code: -1073740940"

Wanted to see if DH and shaders would work in single player again. Installed is most recent build of embed/oculus combo with most recently nightly build of DH and a decent sized modpack. Installed are Dynamics trees and supplementarys which i know are incompat but i would like to try and get them to work, as others have.
90 Replies
Yeshi•10mo ago
recent commits borked it. try https://gitlab.com/jeseibel/distant-horizons/-/jobs/6888037404/artifacts/download also that instance name is great :kekw: who will win new user or censor bot regex
JunoOP•10mo ago
😈 -1073741819 another exit code this time
Yeshi•10mo ago
can you send the crash log as well it kinda just dies here
JunoOP•10mo ago
It didn't generate one? I can recrash it to see if it does
Yeshi•10mo ago
sure crash logs are in .minecraft/crash-reports btw
JunoOP•10mo ago
looked in .mincraft and couldn't find the mod folder, it instead gave me -1073740940 again. Im using curse forge so its in a different place i think
Yeshi•10mo ago
right click your instance option to open the install folder should be there
JunoOP•10mo ago
Yeah, thats the one im in, it's just not generating it anymore, last crash log was from 5:40 pm Est, last attempt was 6:20 and it still didn't generate. Tried again, same sort of deal Finally got a crash report
Yeshi•10mo ago
try removing xaero world map seems to be causing something
JunoOP•10mo ago
Okay, removed that and another mod (create diesel generators), launched to title screen, everything was working, hit windows key anndddd crash, same exit code, no crash report Log cut off after something open gl Forge loads all the mods, then crashes
TheNewSky•10mo ago
Unrelated but do you not have xmp or expo enabled or do you just have 4800mhz ram
JunoOP•10mo ago
Lemme check I dont think i have it enabled? Could that be the issue? isn't xmp a intel thing
TheNewSky•10mo ago
That’s wouldn’t be causing the crashes
hardester•10mo ago
That's a lot of people reporting the same crash with the same error code.
TheNewSky•10mo ago
Yea I’ve been seeing a lot of OpenGL stuff
JunoOP•10mo ago
This mod pack was working before adding oculus and DH Nothing that should be a hard incompat
TheNewSky•10mo ago
AMD CPUs can use either xmp or expo. Try checking your bios later to see if you can enable it. Have you checked that the modpack works on it own?
JunoOP•10mo ago
Lemme check
TheNewSky•10mo ago
Nvm you just said that
JunoOP•10mo ago
Removed DH, still crash, exit code -1073741819, ill check for a log
TheNewSky•10mo ago
Might be an oculus issue then If it worked without oculus
JunoOP•10mo ago
it just wont make crash logs okay, its oculus causing the startup crash. Ill re-add DH -1073740940 DH causing a crash itself
TheNewSky•10mo ago
with DH and no oculus?
JunoOP•10mo ago
Yes Oculus was crashing as well
TheNewSky•10mo ago
Huh And without either it works?
JunoOP•10mo ago
but the log is cutting off after the openGL Yep Haven't loaded into a world but it makes it to the title screen. I have bliss shaders as well but they haven't been enabled yet Ill try without embeddium Nope still crashes
TheNewSky•10mo ago
So both oculus and DH individually cause a crash? That’s weird Can you try an instance with just DH, Embeddium, and Oculus
JunoOP•10mo ago
yes one sec okay, the three of them work together alone, but i can't for the life of me think what mod (or mods) it could be current modlist
TheNewSky•10mo ago
I feel like I remember seeing dynamic trees as an incompatibility for DH
JunoOP•10mo ago
I know supplementaries and dyanmic trees Yeah, but i thought it could have been just a visual bug
TheNewSky•10mo ago
JunoOP•10mo ago
I'll try without Okay, im going to try the binary method and report pack with what mod it is 🫡
TheNewSky•10mo ago
Alr Yea the only things that are giving warnings near the end are lucky tnt and moonlight But usually those warnings don’t mean anything so I usually don’t consider them Also there’s something about immediately fast but I don’t see it in your mod list
JunoOP•10mo ago
Its now crashing with just DH -1073741819
TheNewSky•10mo ago
Just DH and nothing else?
JunoOP•10mo ago
Yes, ill try other instance werid, it booted, then crashed to -1073740940 again and it worked? this is so weird
TheNewSky•10mo ago
Trolled Is the version of DH you’re using the most recent nightly?
JunoOP•10mo ago
Yeah, just wanted those shaders 😭
TheNewSky•10mo ago
Maybe try an older build? Idk And try updating your drivers if Ig*
TheNewSky•10mo ago
Pipelines · James Seibel / Distant Horizons · GitLab
This is a mod that adds a Level Of Detail (LOD) system to Minecraft. This implementation renders simplified chunks outside of the normal render distance allowing for an...
JunoOP•10mo ago
Okay, Ill try, everything actually works now, oculus included, without DH, so its probably something in that build I cant find it, the 5 month old one? Okay. tried some newer builds and some older ones, its defiantly DH What kind of mods are not compatible with DH? like hard crash incompatible
TheNewSky•10mo ago
Sorry I just meant one from like a week ago I’m not sure what mods could cause a crash without really showing anything in the logs
JunoOP•10mo ago
Moved everything to a new instance, and it works, so uh... don't know what was going on but if it ain't broke lmao Will update if issue persists. and we are crashing again :8ACOSP_DekuHeadBang: Game just wont produce a crash report like, what does this exit code even mean if its so consistant. Okay, disabled every mod, DH still crashed to the exit code above Nightly Build for 1.20.1 and forge 47.2.32 crash together it seems Latest logs, only mod is DH. No crash report. Newest forge verison for 1.20 exit code: -1073741819 again, can confirm entire modpack works without DH and DH crashes by itself.
Puhpine•10mo ago
there is nothing in the log, so it might be a corrupt instance or something, as making a new instance fixed it its hard to say
JunoOP•10mo ago
For a few seconds until i hit singleplayer, then same issue
Puhpine•10mo ago
JunoOP•10mo ago
Minecraft wont produce any crash report I believe its something with forge but different forge verisons still dont work.
Puhpine•10mo ago
why do you think so
JunoOP•10mo ago
Because everything works without DH, but with DH? crash. With no mods and only DH, crash, I could not for the life of me find the incompat mod because it wont produce any crash report and it just doesn't work on its on, at first i thought it was Embed and oculus, but all three of those worked together, but something about DH is messing with the instance, because it only works for a little bit then crashes and will not make it to title screen if you try again. Maybe its not forge i dont know, its really frustrating though, as everything works UNTIL you add DH, theres no mods there aside two with visual bugs that should be causing a hard crash like this.
Puhpine•10mo ago
yea, I don't know man, and I don't think anyone else does. its very hard to diagnose something like this, especially because you're the only one with this problem
JunoOP•10mo ago
I had this same issue months ago with a very similar modpack and DH, could it be and AMD issue?
Puhpine•10mo ago
probably not, if it was a driver issue we'd be seeing more reports of this issue
JunoOP•10mo ago
its gotta be a really obscure mod incompatibility, but its hard to find because once it happens that instance will not work with DH anymore regardless.
Puhpine•10mo ago
you could try nuking the config folder and see if that saves the instance?
JunoOP•10mo ago
Doesn't work, it manages to get past mod loading then just quits lmao
Puhpine•10mo ago
weird very weird
JunoOP•10mo ago
Every log just ends the same This is probably why I couldn't find anything last time, I guess I'll try a new instance and load a world to see if anything changes, then add each mod one by one Runs on a new instance just fine??? ill add some mods I got a log with something different
Miki_P98•10mo ago
try Not Enough Crashes I've heard lot of bad things about it, but it's worth a try
Not Enough Crashes - Minecraft Mod
When crashing, you can go back to the title screen and keep playing, without needing to restart, alongside other things to make crashes more pleasant.
JunoOP•10mo ago
Ehhh, what kind of bad things?
Miki_P98•10mo ago
Causes more crashes then it caches
JunoOP•10mo ago
removed potential mod still crash
Yeshi•10mo ago
the game crashes for a reason. this is like disabling the circuit breaker in your house if it straight up prevents crashes
JunoOP•10mo ago
I'll pass i think Huh? what does? Im trying to figure out why it is crashing
Yeshi•10mo ago
in related to the not enough crashes mod i'm saying i reckon it's probably a bad idea to rely on that mod
Miki_P98•10mo ago
It may catch this one, take the hopefully generated logs and crash report, send it here, and remove the mod
Yeshi•10mo ago
have you tried a /binarysearch yet
YAGPDB.xyz•10mo ago
Try a binary search and figure out which mod is causing it. So disable half of the mods, see if issue is still there, if yes disable half again etc etc until you find the mod that's causing the issue.
Miki_P98•10mo ago
not rely, just try to generate better logs that don't just end dissolving into a vacuum
JunoOP•10mo ago
Once, trying that again in a fresh instance since this issue bricks DH or the instance apparently getting exit code 1 Wont even load any mods now It's oculus this time I will download most recent oculus and try again I think its oculus thats causing these issues, which is weird because the two worked before with each other.
Yeshi•10mo ago
are you using the in-dev version of oculus latest stable is still based off an older version of iris with dh compat and tries to do some mixin stuff with a class that got renamed i think
JunoOP•10mo ago
where can i find that in their server
Yeshi•10mo ago
not sure. you might need to give yourself a tester role before you can see th channel
JunoOP•10mo ago
is that Oculus 1.7.0 the verison your talking about?
Yeshi•10mo ago
might be, try it
JunoOP•10mo ago
Doesn't work.
Yeshi•10mo ago
is there a dev builds channel in there that'd be your best bet
JunoOP•10mo ago
Well, I can't find it, that sucks, what verison of oculus are other people using?
Puhpine•10mo ago
Just the latest on modrinth works for a lot of people I think
JunoOP•10mo ago
Just tried that, It works without it but not with it so im sure its oculus Oh I forgot embeddium we are launching again, the search continues, because i know why oculus was working before Could the amount of ram accoacted causes issues? I usually put 6g, should i put more? new instance, everything was working for awhile, suddenly crashed, thought it was one or two mods but I think its again DH, that is bricking these instances I feel like I've done everything under the sun to get this mod to work, there's nothing keeping it from so, all i can think now is that its just my pc or something within the nightly build that's not playing nice with some mod, maybe multiple, I've done binary method many times, removed mods that showed errors in the logs but it doesn't fix it, once it crashes with DH installed once, that entire instance becomes incompatible with DH even if DH is the only mod installed. Remove it and everything works again.
TheNewSky•10mo ago
Did you try a build from a week or two ago to see if the specific one you have doesn't work if those don't then there might be something wrong with a driver somewhere or your install of java(?)
Sandwich•10mo ago
Have you solved it ? Recently, I made my own mod pack, the mod "quark" "zeta" and " supplementaries" in yr modpack caught my attention here, it caused lot of crashes on my end Edit: delete some comments since I missed yr newest pic of the modpack
JunoOP•10mo ago
Nope, I might give up for now until the Minecraft urge returns, it’s really weird and everything works okay for a bit in a new instance but will eventually crash and remained bricked, I’ll try newer versions of DH later maybe So, got it working with bliss shaders UNTIL i wanted Fullscreen (more fps), it was working until i alt tabbed out, then the game crashed, and its giving me the same exit code again something about an out of date graphics driver which, no, I've already updated them Forcing it to open in windowed mode makes it work again
Puhpine•10mo ago
What cpu do you have?
JunoOP•10mo ago
Ryzen 7 7700x
Puhpine•10mo ago
Hhmm, so it's not the Intel i9 crashing problem
JunoOP•10mo ago
It's basically the same modpack the issue before is that it was trying to open in fullscreen and that was causing the crash] I'll try an recreate it, it doesn't produce a crash report though nah its just giving the same error code :( Guess I'll just play in windowed it works but not with fullscreen
Yeshi•10mo ago
if you can get a crash log i'll have a look
JunoOP•10mo ago
thats the issue, it just doesn't produce one, I've looked and tried so many times
Yeshi•10mo ago
so the game will run but fullscreening crashes and it refuses to make a crash log even then? wack
JunoOP•10mo ago
It'll run in fullscreen until you altab out of the game, then it crashes, and will not boot up again until you manually set fullscreen to false in the settings file

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