14 Replies
cap your framerate. your cpu is too busy doing other stuff to load new LODs
so like cap it at 150
enabling vsync would be best
imput lag though
vsync shouldn't introduce input lag :thonk:
try always on
thanks its a bit faster
it only happens when i fly fast anyway like in spectator
same here. flying with an elytra is too fast for my cpu to keep up even at a 40fps cap
thants unbareble
best we can do is wait for future updates adding optimizations
40 is fine once you're used to it. although this is coming from the guy that used to play at 15fps at 720p back in the day :kekw:
well yah i used to play on 20 fps with shders back when but now i get 200 fps so
DH halfs that though always sitting around 100
You can also try increasing CPU load
That will also increase the LOD update speed
ok i think im fine thx for the help though