LOD for foliage not being generated correctly
DH seems to be unable to generate the LOD's corresponding to the foliage, it can definitely detect when it exists but the color is a weird pink instead of green, textures: RT by hodi

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I think I know what the issue is
Though I need to test it is that is true
The grass texture is gray and is colored later by MC, MC knows to color the texture because in the model file a
entry is present next to the texture access, but the grass in this RP has texture accesses without the tintindex, it does not break vanilla rendering as the faces with tge gray textures are 1D lines (a.k.a. insisible), but DH has no way of knowing that as it only looks at textures
If that theory is correct the RP author has to either: add tintindex to every texture access or remove redundant invisible texture accesses...29 Replies
Some resourcepack have a weird config in them that makes DH thing there are 2 plant: 12 green and 1 ping, if that happens it sometimes choses the pink ones iirc
Last time this was reported it was a resourcepack issue, I will assume it this time too
Can you paste a donwload link to the pack?
Or if the pack is paid, try sending just the grass (or whatever is broken): blockstate, models and texturess it uses
sent a PM
It is tall grass and short grass that is broken yes?
i have only found these so far

i am assuming tall grass is 2 high blocks? looking
tall grass is working fine huh
plot twist?

its the slightly brighter green patch in the center
after moving forward a little

Can you disable tint with avoided blocks and set block to ignore to None, it will be easier to pin point the fault to a single plant block without the grass below affecting anything
You can restore the settings later, just send some SS with this combo of the same group of blocks, but made from LODs and in vanilla RD
uhh sorry but i have no idea what "disable tint with avoided blocks" or "set block to ignore to None" mean
i removed all textures and put some patches down on a chunk border to see it side by side

Those are DH settings, they do what they say
Yeah, the pink is a resourcepack issue
Now to just figure out why it happens exactly
do u still need me to do this?
with set block to ignore to None

with both of these

the above two were with the RP i am trying to fix
both options changed in vanilla RP

the yellow/red are flowers
I think I know what the issue is
Though I need to test it is that is true
The grass texture is gray and is colored later by MC, MC knows to color the texture because in the model file a
entry is present next to the texture access, but the grass in this RP has texture accesses without the tintindex, it does not break vanilla rendering as the faces with tge gray textures are 1D lines (a.k.a. insisible), but DH has no way of knowing that as it only looks at textures
If that theory is correct the RP author has to either: add tintindex to every texture access or remove redundant invisible texture accessesgot any resource pack recommendation that works good out of the box and looks nice?
If you want to patch it your self, you need to add
, "tintindex": 0
to every line inside every "faces"
oject in files short_grass.json
, grass3.json
and grass4.json
I use PureBDCraft and Vanilla Tweaks
PureBDCreaft being the main one above vanilla tweaks
And an addon for better PureBDCreaft shader support
As well as some otehr small RPs that change couple standalone things as e.g. connected bedswhats it called
(I use x512, abaible in everythin from x16 to x512 for free)
Vanilla Tweaks
Both have their own website, they are not available on neither Modrinth, CurseForge nor Planet MinecraftBDcraft.net
All of the BDcraft downloads! Resourcepacks with tons of exclusive assets such as textures, sounds, music, and 3D models!
PureBDcraft for Minecraft Java Edition
Completely transform your Minecraft experience and make it look like a comic. Ton of exclusive textures and 3D models for a high definition experience!
Vanilla Tweaks - Resource Packs
The picker page for Vanilla Tweaks Resource Packs
i meant the add on you said is for better shader support, i guess that is a part of vanilla tweaks?
No, that is a PureDBCreaft addon
I've made it myself based on the old 1.14 shader support addon that you can find here: https://bdcraft.net/community/viewtopic.php?t=7069
I can DM you my edit of it
PureBDcraft Shader Support - BDcraft.net Community
PureBDcraft Shader Support for MC1.17 by Kriaga labPBR Normal, Specular Maps, SSS, porosity, and emission (height maps and AO maps are not supported) Supports POM, PBR and Specular Maps ( Note: Connected textures don't work ) Supports POM, PBR a...
@Miki_P98 is a god gamer

If you have some way of contacting the resourcepack artist, you can pass the info and fix onto them if you want to
I've just remembered that Puhpine said that DH only takes the top (up) texture for cnsideration
So the fix can be simplified to putting
"tintindex": 0
on every up
facing face
Though if the block part is rotated IDK how that will work, so the full of putting "tintindex": 0
on every face is probably better