LODs load slowly (server-side)
Which setting do I need to change to improve the speed at which LODs are sent to the client?
Using a Nightly Build of DH server-side and client-side. [DistantHorizons-2.3.0-a-dev-1.21.1.jar]
4 Replies
Increase the options with "threads" in the name
Like world gen threads
I do not need the LOD generation threads to be more
The LOD generation is fine
I just want LODs that are already present on the server to be "uploaded" to clients faster
I think I found the option - The rate limit for client requests.
hmm - but it doesn't seem to really accelerate the speed much at which the LODs are sent to the client
Is this everything that can be done to increase said speed?
I don't think there is much else
It definitely loads in faster when increasing the rate limit for client requests
I just didn't quite notice it at first
but it's definitely faster
The issue is though, that it needs to be increased at both client- and server-side