distant horizons muliplayer chunks not showing
clients connected to my "essential" mod server can't see DH chunks.
11 Replies
to clarify, by essential, i mean im using the essential mod to host the server instead of the normal method
Thats because servers dont share the LOD files
Maybe it works if you and the clients install the #Server side fork but havent tested that on an essential server
Or you'd have to manually share the LOD files with the clients
Single Player:
- Overworld:
- Nether: .minecraft/saves/WORLD_NAME/DIM-1/data/DistantHorizons.sqlite
- End: .minecraft/saves/WORLD_NAME/DIM1/data/DistantHorizons.sqlite
- Custom Dimensions: .minecraft/saves/WORLD_NAME/DIMENSION_FOLDER/data/DistantHorizons.sqlite
- .minecraft/Distant_Horizons_server_data/SERVER_NAME/
is it possible that the server side fork will break compatibility with iris shaders?
No that's not possible, it has the same compatebilaty as the nightly builds
okay, ive just replaced the distant horizons jar file and its just stopped working
like, shaders off, distant horizons on, no DH chunks are being loaded
If the server side fork is still on 2.0.2 then it won’t render LODs generated with 2.0.4
Since they use different formats
uhm the server side i downloaded says 2.0.4

Ig they updated it
Maybe you need both?
i dont see how thats going to be possible, theyre named the same thing lol
the last DH i had was grabbed from the iris server
for now i've rolled back the DH version we're using and making use of a big sql i grabbed by duplicating the world and flying around in creative