LODs flicker

(srry for low video framerate) When I turn on shaders, my LODs and clouds are starting to flicker weirdly. But they stop when i zoom into them. My gpu is AMD (i think it has something to do with it) I can also provide my mod list if required
12 Replies
Miki_P984w ago
This is not a DH issue This is not even in 100% a shader issue This is just how the shader renders clouds Look in the settings for: - cloud resolution - fog resolution Set these to 100% / 1.0 And: - cloud ray marching - cloud samples - fog samples Try increasing it a bit If that won't be enough, decrease the TAA blending value or increase TAA frames depending on how the shaders calls it
Puhpine4w ago
something rendering weirdly almost never is the fault of what GPU brand you have
bot.OP4w ago
after doing everything clouds stopped flickering (my fps is doomed) but after decreasing TAA LODs stopped fickering, but clouds started again... By the way i have render clouds as fog enabled and the shader is bliss
Miki_P984w ago
render clouds as fog increases the noise A LOT, so you might wanna turn that off
bot.OP4w ago
clouds stopped flickering, and lods got alittle bit less noisy (still very noticable)
Miki_P984w ago
Unstable development branch of Bliss has better clouds Onm the GitHub you can change the branch to unstable Then download it with download code button same as the main version
bot.OP4w ago
it seems that its not cuz of clouds with the indev ver they are perfectly fine but LODs flicker even more idk tell xonk or smth
Puhpine4w ago
or you can tell him
Miki_P984w ago
Do you have TAAU (TAA Upscaling) enabled? If so, disable it
bot.OP4w ago
there isnt even such option
Miki_P984w ago
In Bliss? There is Post Processing > Anti Aliasing > TAA Upscaling Or something like that
bot.OP4w ago
its called temporal upscaling (its off) i did, he wont respond. I told him last summer or so, he said that its cuz my gpu is amd and its a bug. But he didnt fix crap

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