Server crashing when adding DH2.3RC2 post-chunky

The server is stable with DH in the server, but as soon as my client connects with the same DH it crashes after a minute or two. The ram usage isn't changing much for the time it works but right before the crash the ram usage spikes and the server crashes. Do I need to add a log for the server? The DH process doesn't have failures like the old 2.3 build and it does seem to be working.
25 Replies
пшш2mo ago
try using nightly
RacknehOP2mo ago
Oh sorry I thought RC2 was nightly
пшш2mo ago
yeah nightly is in #links-n-downloads
RacknehOP2mo ago
Is that one more recent than RC2? Because the nightly I got before RC2 released had an issue that would be fixed in the next one
пшш2mo ago
RacknehOP2mo ago
Ayyye the names being the same on the jars threw me off xD No it seems to happen the same way even with the latest nightly
Miki_P982mo ago
YAGPDB.xyz2mo ago
You should send your latest.log file to provide additional useful information. Logs are usually located in the .minecraft/logs directory. On Windows: %appdata%\.minecraft\logs On Linux: ~/.minecraft/logs On Mac: ~/Library/Application Support/minecraft/logs Please upload the file to instead of sending the raw file. This makes reading the contents of the file a lot easier and improves the chances of you getting the help needed. After uploading the file, click on Save and send the link.
Miki_P982mo ago
Maybe both client and server side, why not
RacknehOP2mo ago
Server log Oh it doesn't seem to be the full log somehow
RacknehOP2mo ago
This should be it
RacknehOP2mo ago
I do have this in latest.log
RacknehOP2mo ago
Sorry took a sec, here's the client log:
Forge 1.20.1 Client Log [#DnM6ZDp]
25000 lines | 70 errors
RacknehOP2mo ago
The server data being sent to clients does spike up to 40MB/s even if my DH is set to 900KB/s Okay this may be related, I changed the server max transfer rate in the server's distanthorizon config to 50 and the outgoing transfer rate to my client is creeping up slowly now
RacknehOP2mo ago
Just like the ram usage
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RacknehOP2mo ago
It's adding them spiratically ( I didn't move in the server after adding DH)
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RacknehOP2mo ago
if I move it actually tries to load the downloaded DH chunks so thats good
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RacknehOP2mo ago
Should I make a video? Oh my god I forgot a basic thing I still had the old DH cache OOPS
RacknehOP2mo ago
yeah no okay it's still swiss cheese
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RacknehOP2mo ago
I removed the cache folder multiple times Okay I removed the client files and reimported it completely RC2 works fine now! It's loading extremely sow cuz of the data transfer limit I think i need to do more testing
RacknehOP2mo ago
@Miki_P98 it seems to be growing from the center out, is that correct?
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Miki_P982mo ago
It is correct, though you enabled more debug settings then only the worldgen ones The squares that get bigger sow the octa tree a.k.a. the different quality levels of LODs or the LOD chunks
RacknehOP2mo ago
Ayyyye then it seems to be running correctly but it still crashes after some time In a server we can't really have this issue when multiple clients connect Is there something I can do to help identify the issue further? It is a heavly modded Create X Valkyrien Skies server so there's a chance something in the pack causes the issue But the server should be the same from when I posted the failed chunk downloading issue a few weeks ago And that issue does seem to be fixed in RC2 I'm also not sure there are many servers with Create x VS that are trying to do the server-side chunk propagation if I can help fix the issue or find where the issue is, gladly. If it's something with the pack it'll be good to know for future reference when people want to use DH on their servers

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