Grass block LOD and Water blending
Probably already answered these questions, sorry, could not find, is it possible to somehow change the texture of grass block or somehow smooth out the sharp change in color of water between the chunks, water is okay if using shaders (so it doesn't really matter if there's a solution to this or not, just interesting), but the green grass blocks a little knocked out, no other solution than High preset?

Solution:Jump to solution
you can change grass side rendering mode in DH config > Advanced Options > Graphics > Advanced Graphics Options > Grass Side Rendering
11 Replies
it should be fine if you rejoin the world
if you turn on shaders and then off
you will see it again
you can change grass side rendering mode in DH config > Advanced Options > Graphics > Advanced Graphics Options > Grass Side Rendering
the water's kinda unfixable atm cause we havent reimplement biome blend back yet
grass side rendering? 😯

get nightly build in #links-n-downloads
new options
🥺 oh.. it needs 1.7 oculus as far as i remember
but thank you
oculus 1.7 is made for nightly build
so go grab it
unless you dont use shaders
then you still get it
cuz our mod will still function without shader mod anyway :cou:
I just have a problem that there are no fixes with gecko and create, so I can't use oculus 1.7 yet 😅
so i think i just need to wait
that's fair
thank you!