My distant horizons mod freezes every 3 seconds - FRENCH/ENG
Hey everyone (im french if you want to answer me easliy), i've got one problem : My game is running well (165 fps 2560x1440p) but it freezes every 3 seconds. I know it doesn't come from my pc cuz when i play on the basic minecraft, it doesn't happen. I also made sure i used a lot of RAM to run the game
58 Replies
So i quickly cheked my FPS with F3 key and i saw the read line was constantly going weird
Send a screenshot of the f3
I only use : DH + terralith + Better FPS

(just forgot to add more RAM)
wait i'll send a short vid
(i tried on the 1.19.4 Mc also, same problem)
Change your ram from 4 to 8-12 and what is your normal render distance?
i changed the ram but i dont see the lags yet
low simulation distance (5)
21 render distance
8 shadow distance (locked)
You want to lower the render distance to 6-16 and lower your ram aswell
why lower the ram ? i have 32 i ,think that's good (maybe lower to 16)
i'll try lower the render distance
If you have too much ram for distant horizons it’ll stutter
i'll try 10
or 12
render distance won't resolve the problem
neither the shaders
i tried without
do i have to modify Xms ?
I think so
for the moment t still lagging
ok it launched it again
it's been 30 seconds without lagging
ok it's not lagging
i think it solved itself cuz of the ram maybe

what a beautiful game tho
i set XMX 8192 and XMS : 512
just dubbled it
Every time it runs out of ram it needs to clear it out which causes it to freeze for a moment. You can try changing the garbage collector (the thing that clears out the ram) behavior to make it not freeze.
how do we handle it ?
also it does this when looking the map from above

bad transitioning but only when you see it from above
Search up how to use ZGC or Shenandoah for minecraft
Disable overdraw prevention in the distant horizons section of the shader’s settings
nice it worked !
it's a fabric mod ?
You know the place where you change how much ram is allocated?
This stuff
hum in the mc launcher
Those are called Java arguments
You can add one to tell Minecraft to use the “Z” garbage collector or the “Shenandoah” garbage collector
ZGC is located here too ?
I can’t remember the exact argument one sec
okay i see
-Xmx6500M -XX:+AlwaysPreTouch -XX:+ParallelRefProcEnabled -XX:ParallelGCThreads=6 -XX:+PerfDisableSharedMem -XX:+UnlockExperimentalVMOptions -XX:+DisableExplicitGC -XX:+UseZGC
Delete the first one with the 6500 but you can add the rest to the end
ok i'l try

i can see the caves lmao
i think i'll put it back
but when i need to see the map from above i'll set it off
That’s weird. I don’t think that should happen with overdraw prevention disabled
that's ok, i think its because of my shader
i'm in a frozen biome, it shouldn't happen anywhere else
-Xmx8192m -Xms512m -Dminecraft.applet.TargetDirectory="E:\Jeux\Minecraft (Saves + Extras)\Instances\DH" -Dfml.ignorePatchDiscrepancies=true -Dfml.ignoreInvalidMinecraftCertificates=true -Duser.language=en -DlibraryDirectory="E:\Jeux\Minecraft (Saves + Extras)\Install\libraries"
what do i edit (apart the storage)
Ok it's definitely bugging, i see the water through the blocks when i set it off
anyway since i edited the XMS/XMX it's way better, ty all, if needed i'll search about the ZGC stuff
Just using "XX:+UseZGC" fixed the issue for me.
Ok so ZGC is apparantly a superduper fast garbage collector and that's why it fixes that issue
And MC usually uses a abit slower garbage collector but with this mod's ram shenanigans it just doesn't cut it so the ram constantly fills up and has to be cleared entirely causing a stutter
From my understanding zgc is a concurrent garbage collector which means it doesn’t pause the game’s rendering when it needs to clear memory
But since it is continuously being done in the background it places slightly more load on cpu
G1GC (what minecraft uses by default) isn’t concurrent so does nothing until needed but that means it has to pause the rendering to clear the memory which is what causes the lag spikes
Can some experienced person explain what is better "Shenandoah" or "Z"?
What I read was that "Z" is faster, but "Shenandoah" offers better customizability. That "Shenandoah" works concurrently, but still has pauses, and "Z" only runs concurrently. Can someone confirm if that is correct?
I mean the guy right above you just said that, and I read it the same way too. You cant configure "Z" alot but imo you don't need to, it worked absolutely flawless for me and made Minecraft with DH2 + shaders into a buttery smooth 150 fps experience, no stutters.
Guy just above me compared "G1" and "Z", I wanted to know where in all of that lands "Shenandoah"
Guess im dumb
Im trying to use the frametime graph to compare Shenandoah & Z, but because the F3 screen causes huge FPS drops its useless lol
I can say this much: Shenandoah causes small frametime spikes
So so could assume that this sentence is true:
"Shenandoah" works concurrently, but still has pauses for bigger cleanups, and "Z" runs ONLY concurrently and in the background
I'm curious how much through bigger customisation of "Shenandoah" you can tune it
"G1" also can be tuned to work not so bad, see: Useful Mods - Java arguments optimization
how much RAM did you allocate to Minecraft during those tests?
uh.... 9.5gb xD
After experimenting a bit thats the max amount I can allocate without hitches
I mean 10 worked but I went with 9.5
What app have you used?
If I will find some time I can run tests with 16 or 24 GB of RAM allocated, with "G1", "G1 - tuned", "Z" and "Shenandoah"
I've never done such tests, but I'm willing to learn
Should I use this new Intel graph thing, MSI Afterburner, 'win' + 'g'or NVIDIA overlay thingy?
wdym what app? I used the built in frametime graph from MC, and just looked at it + the RAM usage % in the top right, when it lowered, a small FPS spike appeared on the Frametime graph. This only happened on Shenandoah, when I used Z i couldn't see a spike. The spike from shenandoah was rather small in comparison to G1, but Im pretty confident it's there.
This was not thorough testing, just a little comparison. Something odd I noticed: Z also waited until the RAM was almost full, before GC happened
This could be interesting, considering i only have 16gb of ram :D
Shenandoah is supposed to not scale with GC amount, atleast according to OpenJDK Wiki:
"Garbage collecting a 200 GB heap or a 2 GB heap should have the similar low pause behavior."
I quickly tried "Z" GC and noticed less stutter but higher RAM usage.
I've allocated 16GB to Minecraft.
On tuned G1 it stayed around 13 GB, now (on "Z") it fills up the 16GB and would like to go even higher
Yea. From experience it isn’t the best at dealing with very high memory usage
You mean that G1 isn't the best and it can't use it, or that Z isn't the best and overflows?
because Z and Shenandoah were designed for high memory (up to terabytes)
When my memory allocation rate is incredibly high (like 4000 MB/s), ZGC can’t keep up and it starts lagging a ton bc it hits the memory limit and needs to take a few frames to clear the memory
I am also having this issue, but if I turn off overdraw prevention, water is visible through glass, can you confirm if you see the same bug too Nicolas?
Looks like it happens to ice too
I’d report it in the bliss thread in the iris server
that's what im seeing, yeah that'd probably be nice. I threw down the bug in the Ring of failed Overdraw (Shader or DH bug?) thread in the help-me channel
I am getting the fading ring with BSL shaders ALSO, it's really weird
hjeres my thread which talks about the same issue:
Yes it is
But if you turn off one parameter in water settings it won’t but water will be ugly
yes, im aware of that option, it really sucks. You either sacrifice a visual bug with water, or a visual bug with the overdraw :/