I can't get DH to work on my server.

Hey! I am running a server. I want to add DH to the server to spice the things up a bit. But all my attempts into getting DH to work came to a demise. Any combination of DH builds (Nightly, Release Candidate, Distant Horizons Server Plugin) I tried adding to the client and server seem to be not working. Everytime I join the server, the LOD's get rendered only to the server's maximum render distance. If I want to get LOD's to render past server's render distance, I have to travel myself and they get saved on the client only for me (which defies the whole purpose of what I'm trying to do) - My server is running 1.21.1 Spigot with no generation mods installed - My client is running 1.21.1 Fabric with no other mods installed - My client's simulation distance is 8 and render distance is 16 - My server's simulation distance is 8 and render distance is 24 - My goal is to just tell my friends "slap this beautiful boy (DH) in your mods folder" and everything to work. I want to leave the hard stuff on the server and me as an administrator - We have been playing for over 4 months so a 6000x6000 blocks around the spawn area (where I am currently at) is already generated by just us traveling I know this gets questioned a lot and I am sorry. I've read through multiple threads and I tried. I am at my point of failure. What DH Builds should I add to the server and my client to make it work? (connect to the server and boom! instantly see 128 chunks). Can there be any other reasons it does not work?
The plugin version didn't work with Spigot, but worked with Paper.
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25 Replies
Miki_P983mo ago
Plugin version of DH is quite outdated You would have to find older DH niglty for the clients that will work with it
Puhpine3mo ago
The RC from #announcements works with it
32maceOP3mo ago
I created a new server (Spigot 1.21.1 with no mods, 8 sim distance, 16 view distance) and a new client (Fabric 1.21.1 with no mods, 8 sim distance, 16 view distance) to identify what I'm doing wrong. I explored a little with no DH installed on either the client or the server so I can generate chunks on the server. After that, I tried the following: 1. I added DHS-0.6.1_for_MC-1.21.1 in the server (downloaded from the GitLab page under the hyperlink behind the "this server plugin" text, at the 4th dot of the "Server-side Support" post in #help-me ) and DistantHorizons-2.3.0-b-RC1-1.21.1-neo-fabric in the client (this is the version in the "Merged" folder inside the DH-2.3.0-b-RC1_all-jars.7z downloaded from #announcements ). -- The result is that the first 4 chunks are normal chunks, the next 8 chunks are LOD's, the next 4 chunks are normal chunks again and then no LOD's beyond that distance -- An error keeps getting spammed in the server console each second regarding DHSupport and some asynchronous chunk loading something something 2. I ran the same build for the server, but for the client I changed to DistantHorizons-2.3.0-b-dev-1.21.1-fabric-neoforge (the version in the "Merged" folder inside the NightlyBuild_1.21.1-77aa4773-2024-12-14T23_35_36-06_00.zip found in #links-n-downloads ) -- When I joined the server, all the chunks in a 16 chunk radius around me were normal chunks, but then after waiting for 5 minutes, the first 4 chunks remained normal chunks then the next 12 chunks turned into LOD's and no other LOD's started appearing beyond -- No errors in the console this time 3. I changed to DistantHorizons-2.3.0-b-RC1-1.21.1-neo-fabric in the server, and remained with the exact same as previously for the client -- DH doesn't appear in the plugins list 4. I change to DistantHorizons-2.3.0-b-dev-1.21.1-fabric-neoforge in the server, and remained with the exact same as previously for the client -- DH doesn't appear in the plugins list 5. I change to DHS-0.6.1_for_MC-1.21.1 in the server and I also change to DHS-0.6.1_for_MC-1.21.1 for the client -- DH appears in plugins list -- DH doesn't load for the client What do I do now? :cou:
Puhpine3mo ago
do you want to use the plugin version or the mod version? the mod version is better as it has more functionality
32maceOP3mo ago
For the mod version, I have to change the server's modloader from Spigot to somethings else? I would like to use the version that allows me to use bukkit/spigot for my server, and fabric for my client. If there is any compromise that needs to be made (like changing the modloader/api/whatever_the_term_is_for_the_thingies_like_forge/fabric/sponge/bukkit/paper/spigot), I would like that to be on the server's side first. And if there is no other option, then on the client's. (I am not really a technical person and I hope that I understood well and that what I am trying to explain makes sense).
Puhpine3mo ago
yes. spigot is not a modloader, it is a plugin loader modloaders are fabric, forge or neoforge alright so if you need to use spigot, you indeed need to use the plugin on the server´ if you have the latest plugin version on the server, and the release candidate on the client, do you see "server has full DH support" in the F3 menu?
32maceOP3mo ago
I'll check Yes, it says it does
32maceOP3mo ago
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32maceOP3mo ago
I am getting this error in the server's console
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32maceOP3mo ago
Puhpine3mo ago
im not sure about the errors, but it should be working if F3 says the server has full DH support. try increasing the threading values in the config on the server with the /dh config command and see if new chunks generate
32maceOP3mo ago
/dh config command doesn't work
Puhpine3mo ago
oh right the plugin doesnt have it the plugin is missing quite a lot of features the mod version has and my brain cant remember what things the plugin has vs what it lacks youll have to edit the threading values in the config file
32maceOP3mo ago
I just did it. Nothing changed
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Puhpine3mo ago
hhmm weird and there is no chance you can use a mod loader instead of spigot?
32maceOP3mo ago
I'll try and I'll give you the result
пшш3mo ago
use paper instead of spigot
Puhpine3mo ago
spigot doesnt work with the plugin?
пшш3mo ago
it does, but it's suboptimal and probably @Jckf broken
Puhpine3mo ago
Jckf3mo ago
Works but performs poorly
Miki_P983mo ago
And Quilt
32maceOP3mo ago
Ported the server to Fabric and works just fine Thanks! You guys are the best! 👍
Puhpine3mo ago
32mace3mo ago
The plugin version didn't work with Spigot, but worked with Paper.

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