Helppp!! DH isnt Compat with Iris 1.7.0
I switch the version of iris and then it interferes with other mods, this is the cloest ive gotten to it to work

46 Replies
i fixed it by changing to 2.0.4a but now its crashing instantly
I have indium installed
I would recommend changing the help-me post title
or starting a new one
and whichever you decide: /logstored
You should send your
file to provide additional useful information.
Logs are located in the .minecraft/logs
On Windows: %appdata%\.minecraft\logs
On Linux: ~/.minecraft/logs
try 2.1.0 with iris 1.7
where’s the download to 2.1.0
it is beta though and I gtg
You should send your
file to provide additional useful information.
Logs are located in the .minecraft/logs
On Windows: %appdata%\.minecraft\logs
On Linux: ~/.minecraft/logs
when i get home ill send the log
First try with DH 2.1 from announcements, if that doesn't work you can send logs
@Miki_P98 @majo24 logs right here
The NVIDIA OpenGL driver has encountered
an out of memory error. This application might
thats what i see at the bottom
im running 32gb of cl32 6200mt/s ram
and 16gb of vram
16gb of fram allocated rn

What cpu and gpu do you have?
You don't need 16gb of ram allocated the more ram you allocate the more minecraft stutters so I would suggest 12 or maybe just 10 depending
in the logs it’s a 4080 super and 7800x3d
but still consists on my 4090 and same cpu
no stutters for me but still don’t know my issue
wow you have some powerful gpus
yeah i found the 4080 super strix for 1049
so i bought it
pretty sure that's like
slightly above msrp
what version of exposure do you have? is it the latest?
below msrp for the asus rog modes , they go for 1299 msrp
anyway the gpu out of memory reminded of an issue intel cpus have but if you're using an amd cpu then idk
latest version
no idea why it’s out of memory it’s a 24gb card
happens on both the 4090 and 4080 s
well yea with intel it was due to the CPUs being unstable
yeah my 13900k was unstable
4080s and 7800x3d
Are these ok
I think I may have found the problem or one of them in these lines at the end of the log here:
type=ERROR, severity=HIGH, message='Unknown internal debug message. The NVIDIA OpenGL driver has encountered
an out of memory error. This application might
behave inconsistently and fail.
It seems that you do not have enough memory
and you may want to check to see if you have the latest drivers
Yea they pointed that out earlier but they have 32gb of ram
I wasn’t sure if it was ram or video memory it was referring to but searching up the error everyone talks about ram
16GB alocated is a high amount
recomended max is 12 GB
For more you need to play with different GC and tune it
I think it is talking about vram as it is opengl using it
I would say try updating your OS and drivers
yeah i saw that alreayd
my drivers and windows is already on the latest version
not a driver issue then hmm...
yeah no idea honestly
Next driver update you can try a clean install, note that that would probably wipe your GPU config
Last thing I can think of is that you can try different JAVA (Adoptium instead of Oracle or the other way around) or reinstall you current one
I don't think that will help though
You can try rolling back drivers
Maybe they messed something up
Also you said you tried both a 4080 and 4090?
Could the drivers for both conflict with each other?
How old is this world's lod data?
@alex Can you answer any of these questions and have you fixed it?
sorry, i’m in the cypress area and we got hit by a tornado thursday afternoon, and central point is still working on the electricity in our area
nah i used DDU when in interchanged they
That is all good
hope you are all right
yeah i’m good and my family is too
That is good
i’ll give an update when we have power again
generator isn’t working so maybe on tuesday or wednesday powers back