WWOO incompatibility?
I looked at the mod incompatibility list and didn’t see WWOO. This showed up in the chat log though. Is this an actual problem or is it something I won’t notice? Any fixes?

6 Replies
For more context it is on the server with the nightly build
The exact problem is decribed in the message
Look at a terrain with gravel or sand and you might see it
There is a fix, you can disable all stiching featured in WWOO, and you can do that by making a custom datapack
It will be easier to ignore the errors
Or you can use the new
internal server
distant generator to fix this, note that without C2ME this mode can be many many times slower and even with C2ME it will still be slowerThat’s what I mean though, is “grid lines between sections” actually noticeable and ruin experience or is it something I can just ignore
has anyone made a datapack that does what you said already made by someone else or has no one done it
It was done I think, but I doupt you will find it
On specific terrain it is REALLY noticable, but having this grid is still better then no WWOO, at least for me
Look at gravel/sand on chunk edges
you can't miss it when it happens
This is from rtf server
I think it’s a partial fix
Good to know it’s not too too bad