how to use mods with iris distant horizons

i use the distant horizons that comes with the iris shaders innstalation, does mods work with it or not because i cant get it to work
47 Replies
MarijnIsN00B2mo ago
Depends on the mod? Maybe start with what you're trying to do and what is not working?
Ben Redic
Ben Redic2mo ago
im trying to use the iris distant horizons that comes with iris innstaller with a few fabric mods, the fabric mods doesnt seem to work i get no error when i start minecraft it just seems as if the mods are not even innstalled even tho they are
MarijnIsN00B2mo ago
Send screenshot of the mods folder please And of the version you're launching in the minecraft launcher
Ben Redic
Ben Redic2mo ago
MarijnIsN00B2mo ago
Odd Please send logs /logsstored
YAGPDB.xyz2mo ago
You should send your latest.log file to provide additional useful information. Logs are located in the .minecraft/logs directory. On Windows: %appdata%\.minecraft\logs On Linux: ~/.minecraft/logs
Ben Redic
Ben Redic2mo ago
screenshot or the file?
MarijnIsN00B2mo ago
The file
Ben Redic
Ben Redic2mo ago
file cap might take a while
MarijnIsN00B2mo ago
Only send the latest.log please Like the message says
Ben Redic
Ben Redic2mo ago
oh sorry
MarijnIsN00B2mo ago
Dw lol
Ben Redic
Ben Redic2mo ago
MarijnIsN00B2mo ago
Dont worry
Ben Redic
Ben Redic2mo ago
k any updates?
MarijnIsN00B2mo ago
If you send the latest.log then I can give you an update
Ben Redic
Ben Redic2mo ago
didnt reply cuz of school
Puhpine2mo ago
looks like none of the mods you put in are loading. where did you put them exactly?
Ben Redic
Ben Redic2mo ago
the mod folder
Ben Redic
Ben Redic2mo ago
No description
Ben Redic
Ben Redic2mo ago
any other things?
Miki_P982mo ago
What launcher do you use?
Ben Redic
Ben Redic2mo ago
minecraft launcher yo are you here
Miki_P982mo ago
yes, looking at the log
Ben Redic
Ben Redic2mo ago
oh alr
Miki_P982mo ago
send alt+PrtScr of your mods folder (screen shot)
Ben Redic
Ben Redic2mo ago
No description
Miki_P982mo ago
then where do you have DH, Iris and Sodium instaled? they are not here, but are loading
Ben Redic
Ben Redic2mo ago
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Ben Redic
Ben Redic2mo ago
dh and iris works not sure how to check if sodium works but it does i think
Miki_P982mo ago
short answer is that you need to put your mods in the same folder DH, Iris and Sodium are located
Ben Redic
Ben Redic2mo ago
Ben Redic
Ben Redic2mo ago
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Miki_P982mo ago
can you right click or something in the minecraft launcher to auto open the instance folder? well... try it... but it looks wierd easiest way to fix this is to use custom launcher (Modrinth laucher, Curseforge launcher, Prism launcher)
Puhpine2mo ago
yes looks like the iris beta thingy made a new minecraft instance
Miki_P982mo ago
well not really, it is still in .minecraft somehow... it looks like 2 separate instances in the same folder
Ben Redic
Ben Redic2mo ago
the game didnt crash thats a good thing
Puhpine2mo ago
yea thats what i meant i used to do kind of the same thing, where i had multiple minecraft instances in .minecraft/Profiles
Miki_P982mo ago
When I used this installer it also created this iris-reserved folder, but no other files that could act as an instance
Puhpine2mo ago
oh then i dont know about that
Miki_P982mo ago
maybe something changed
Puhpine2mo ago
but, if it works for them it works
Ben Redic
Ben Redic2mo ago
lets go
No description
Puhpine2mo ago
Ben Redic
Ben Redic2mo ago
thanks to everyone helping me
Puhpine2mo ago
👍 np!