What can I do to get DH to NOT take twenty minutes to load chunks?

I'm on an i7-12700H, so it shouldn't be taking twenty minutes. I do have C2ME installed but I've applied the workaround mentioned in #faq-mod-support (changing config options ISN'T compatibility in my eyes, it's just a workaround)
57 Replies
majo2411mo ago
Increase CPU Load snd try Noisium
KaseyOP11mo ago
Nosium is installed, CPU load is at "I paid for the whole CPU"
majo2411mo ago
maybe try lowering your fps cap or activating v-sync also how much ram have you allocated
KaseyOP11mo ago
Neither of those help 8GB
majo2411mo ago
try checking your CPU usage while generating chunks ofcourse
KaseyOP11mo ago
majo2411mo ago
not sure what else then DH depends on minecrafts slow world generation so its normal that it may take a while
TheNewSky11mo ago
There's not too much you can do to speed up generation but once it's generated it loads pretty fast
Jack Mehoff
Jack Mehoff11mo ago
Just a random guess from a clueless guy but would increasing the render CPU thread option in the regular Sodium/Minecraft options menu (I think under the tab "advanced") help? It would allocate more threads to regular chunk rendering, and if I understand correctly, DH would leverage that. Personally I set the render thread thing to 8 I think
majo2411mo ago
DH creates and uses its own threads and thus it would only slow down Also rendering isn't the slow part, generation is
Jack Mehoff
Jack Mehoff11mo ago
I need to correct myself, the option I was referring to is: Chunk Update Threads: used for chunk building, nothing to do with rendering. I set that to 8 on my setup. And for the DH thing, I was just referring to what I remember reading in one of the FAQs or on a distribution site or somewhere else, saying that the LOD generation somehow is directly influenced by regular chunk loading. Other than that, I'd have no clue what the problem might be.
cola9876511mo ago
Chunk generation is slow, and it's not our fault. Sure pure chunky would generate that area faster but DH has to process it a bit 1) CPU of yours ia a laptop one, make sure its not overheating, as laptops ofter will not allow you to use 100% CPU lont term without thermal throttling. 2) Your CPU had about 2-2.5 the multithread power as my e5-1650 v4, which without use of other mods gets me 64 render distance in 10 minutes exactly, meaning 128 RD will take about 20 for you DH already multithreads chunk generation, the workaroud for C2ME is so that multithreading is not done twice
cortex11mo ago
dh fuzzy gen when :giggline:
KaseyOP11mo ago
Ahh, that makes sense then
cola9876511mo ago
also naming. "Compatible" feels like the weakest for of relation that is not "incompatible" A bit like KSP CKAN "supports"
CKAN/Spec.md at master · KSP-CKAN/CKAN
The Comprehensive Kerbal Archive Network. Contribute to KSP-CKAN/CKAN development by creating an account on GitHub.
hardester11mo ago
Double the multithreading performance. /s
KaseyOP11mo ago
hardester11mo ago
KaseyOP11mo ago
So you're basically saying I'm screwed until I can afford to get a desktop lol
cola9876511mo ago
It's not your fault, blame mojang
KaseyOP11mo ago
It's entirely their fault yeah lmao I feel like Minecraft is long overdue a complete rewrite
cola9876511mo ago
and this mod use case was from very start to use on single world, where you spend hours just mining and walking around generating a world to make a screenshot was never targetted use case you got bedrock... and it's bad
KaseyOP11mo ago
Honestly even just playing the game I get times where my framerate hovers around 15FPS lmao
KaseyOP11mo ago
For WHATEVER reason it's caused by dense forests
No description
KaseyOP11mo ago
Probably another mod being weird because it literally never happens anywhere BUT my modpack
cola9876511mo ago
a lot of small shadows? idk make sure your cpu temps are reasonable otherwise you might get drop in performance everywhere
cortex11mo ago
no thats not how it works how far is your normal rd
KaseyOP11mo ago
16 chunks
cola9876511mo ago
try it with 8
cortex11mo ago
cause forrests are very laggy
KaseyOP11mo ago
cortex11mo ago
try 2
cola9876511mo ago
OH RIGHT... every leaf block checks if it should drop
cortex11mo ago
so that no leaves are in render distance
KaseyOP11mo ago
No description
KaseyOP11mo ago
Yeah but it's NEVER THIS bad
cortex11mo ago
cause those look like its fancy leaves
KaseyOP11mo ago
My average framerate is around 150FPS
cola9876511mo ago
disable DH rendering for a moment in DH options
KaseyOP11mo ago
Two chunks gets it to be fairly playable
No description
cortex11mo ago
ok its not the leaves then thats what i was just testing
KaseyOP11mo ago
So it might be something with the fancy leaves, but I've literally never seen it THIS bad
cortex11mo ago
KaseyOP11mo ago
Ack, keep forgetting about the cursing rule
cola9876511mo ago
it's fine, the bot is agreesive, but we do not track the score
Savage Vector
Savage Vector11mo ago
sounds like a suggestion lol
cola9876511mo ago
there is no point, and it should not be penalized
Savage Vector
Savage Vector11mo ago
It was just a joke. So long as the bot catches it, there's literally no harm done
KaseyOP11mo ago
Wee NVIDIA is being weird again ...relaunching Minecraft fixed it lmao Weird Installing Cull Less Leaves seems to have helped? At the very least I'm getting double the performance
cola9876511mo ago
seems like the vanilla forrests were the problem, not DH
KaseyOP11mo ago
Still probably another mod that's causing it, since it's never so bad the game becomes unplayable
That Guy
That Guy11mo ago
You can try and set your cpu load preset to extreme or high but be warned it is not the best to play on and your game might crash
Puhpine11mo ago
Your game shouldn't crash, if it does, something might be wrong with your pc
That Guy
That Guy11mo ago
well it won't crash as such as dh can stop rendering lods and distant chunks the reason being your cpu can't handle it
Puhpine11mo ago
Never heard of that problem before
That Guy
That Guy11mo ago
in the iris help me a couple of people have necountered it
Puhpine11mo ago
Well, I can relate to them

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