DH + Bliss optimization
Trying to find settings that bring down my frame rate when running DH with bliss. I have a laptop getting 40fps but I wanna get it to at least 60. Any fps increase recommendations?
12 Replies
Are you sure bliss is even working with dh
If so then theres a tab called "dh [blah blah i forgot the name]" in bliss shader
There should be a setting there for shadowmap res
Lower that to your liking

Thanks I’ll look for that setting. Only other issue is a weird chromatic abberation-like static around my player when I move, and other things too. Here’s a video, might be hard to tell tho
That's taa setting
In camera/upscaling setting
I forgor where
do you know if it’s distant horizons or a shader thing?
There should be a tooltip for which number you should put in depending on what your preference is
Without TAA it seems worse, should I just ignore how it was before?

Turn on taa, then modify the funny taa number to a lower number
If I remember correctly, lower settings rely less on frame history so it has less flickering
gotcha, smudginess and no flicker one way and no smudginess and lot of flicker the other. I’ll keep it in the middle then, thanks