Lots of holes in world generation using chunky

Whenever I try and use the chunky mod to pre-generate chunks there are always lots of holes like this that don't get filled. Can anyone help?
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16 Replies
BlockOP6mo ago
here's what happened after i tried generating more chunks
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viira_lehtola6mo ago
That happens because it generates the general perimeter, and then it fills in the gaps. Given enough time, it will fix it. I recommend that in [SHAPE] you choose square or rectangle. You are using a CIRCLE, right?
BlockOP6mo ago
yeah i used square yesterday and it still had the same problem how long would i have to wait? i waited like half an hour yesterday and it still didn't fix it
viira_lehtola6mo ago
That generation seems Minecraft Vanilla. Can you give me the seed, world type and version please? I will make a test.
BlockOP6mo ago
yeah of course version is 1.21, seed is 1103720085877538644 world type is default and location for chunky center is -183 -746
viira_lehtola6mo ago
Thank you dear.
BlockOP6mo ago
viira_lehtola6mo ago
It generated, but the seed you gave me does not match your image.
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BlockOP6mo ago
what mods are you using? oops wth that's really weird
viira_lehtola6mo ago
Nothing that affects terrain generation.
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BlockOP6mo ago
ohhh woops forgot to mention i was using tectonic maybe ill try it with just sodium iris chunky and distant horizons cause i have a few other mods i removed noisium and its finally working 🤦‍♂️ i had noisium, lithosphere, and continuity additionally and just removed them and i think that was the problem
viira_lehtola6mo ago
I installed tectonic, does not match, but I don't think that matters much, it took considerably longer, almost certainly for the extra vertical terrain of the higher mountains, your set-up seems to be just fine, it is just heavy for the computer. In the Distant Horizons menu put CPU load on [I paid for the whole cpu] it will be more laggy, but you can leave it alone to generate, it only needs to do it once.
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CreepermeYT6mo ago
YAGPDB.xyz6mo ago
Chunky is known to cause LODs to turn into swiss cheese and bloat up world size, as can be seen in the attached screenshot. We recommend you enable "Distant Generation" in Distant Horizons' settings and wait. If you actually want to pre-generate vanilla chunks along with LOD data, disable Distant Horizons, wait for chunky to finish, then re-enable Distant Horizons.
CreepermeYT6mo ago
Also, chunky does not generate DH LODs DH will need to generate them after chunky finishes This is what causes holes in DH LODs that will fix themselves with time Using Chunky for generation should also be ~35% slower than DH's distant generator Of course, you're free to choose the approach that best suits your case ( Chunky / DH's Generator )
BlockOP6mo ago
i was able to fix it by taking off those certain mods

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