Is there a list of forward rendered shaders that work with Optifine for DH?

"Optifine: DH only partially works with forward rendered shaders" i was wondering if there was a list? i am having trouble getting distant horizons to load LODS with shaders running off Opti fine. lods currently don't load with what iv tried and its fogged out. i have looked online for resources or a list and i haven't found one. if you know a solution, it would be appreciated.
17 Replies
MarijnIsN00B•4mo ago
For proper shader support, I suggest you use Iris or Oculus
MarijnIsN00B•4mo ago
Otherwise this list is probably your best bet
Distant Horizons shader compatibility info
Distant Horizons shader compatibility info. GitHub Gist: instantly share code, notes, and snippets.
rezeOP•4mo ago
i have the pack working with oculus but im switching over to otpifine for many reasons tps issues mainly yeah i saw this but no optifine section 😦
MarijnIsN00B•4mo ago
Then Id try asking in the OptiFine discord, I dont know what list its talking about TPS issues thanks to Oculus or Iris?
rezeOP•4mo ago
im onto a new modpack now, but i spent probably 100 plus hours on my last one. i mainly use forge so my options are oculus with Embeddium ect or optifine, i heard optifine was suboptimal compared to the latter so i started with oculus. down the road 200+ mods in my fps and tps were unbearable. i was confused as to why. i re made the whole pack with optifine and it genuinely runs like butter its crazy. making my second mod pack now, and i wanted to include DH this time around, so i started with oculus and Embeddium... but same issues. only 80 mods in and its unplayable. to be totally honest with you i may be doing somthing wrong?
Miki_P98•4mo ago
Just install TPS optimization mods, like Lithium forge fork Even "compatible" legacy support Optifine shaders look bad as they work only on vanilla chunks with random effect applied to DH LODs You might also need to downgrade to DH 2.0.x (<2.1) for this to work If the performance is a concern, fabric has the biggest amount of performance mods
rezeOP•4mo ago
i would go to fabric if it had the mods i need that are forge exclusive i also have lithium and a bunch of performance mods installed sometimes the tps will get so bad my game crashes ok thanks i will try that ok interesting ill try downgrading and seeing if i can find a shader that is passable, thanks for the help "Even "compatible" legacy support Optifine shaders" do you have an idea of what some of those shaders could be? if i can find a version and way with shaders that's fully(or partially passable) compatible with optifine, that would be pretty big, considering modders could now utilize optifine and optifine specific mods/packs oh crap sorry for the pings i forgot it pings on reply sorry i dont use discord that much
MarijnIsN00B•4mo ago
Maybe? I've never had an issue like that with it For me Optifine isnt an option when making a modpack in the first place since you cant include it on cf and modrinth so I cant say how it compares You were probs already expecting it but Id do a binary search•4mo ago
Try a binary search and figure out which mod is causing it. So disable half of the mods, see if issue is still there, if yes disable half again etc etc until you find the mod that's causing the issue.
MarijnIsN00B•4mo ago
Thats making modpacks for ya
Miki_P98•4mo ago
Distant Horizons shader compatibility info
Distant Horizons shader compatibility info. GitHub Gist: instantly share code, notes, and snippets.
Puhpine•4mo ago
Take a look at and scroll down to v1. Be warned, v1 does not look good
Distant Horizons shader compatibility info
Distant Horizons shader compatibility info. GitHub Gist: instantly share code, notes, and snippets.
Puhpine•4mo ago
Bruh discord did not at all scroll down Ignore me
rezeOP•4mo ago
oh boy the amount of hours i spent doing this in the last couple months sorry for the late responces, just got off working black friday weekend was terrible i may be just confused, but iv followed the git hub and tried every shader listed as compatable with legacy DH with distatn horizons and optifine with no luck does v1 stand for a specific version of distant horizons? as suggested i tried this on DH 2.0 (2.1 below) and it did not work, but if V! stands for any version below 2.0 there isnt one available for 1.20.1
Puhpine•4mo ago
no i dont think v1 stands for anything other than the first way to get any shader support if you cant get it to work, you may just be out of luck i wouldnt spend to much time on it, as the result wont be very good even if you get it working
rezeOP•4mo ago
yeah dang, i really want to use forge but my performance with oculus and Embeddium is HORRIBLE compared to optifine... and the thing is this doesn't seem to be the case for others? i have every recommended performace mod and i see problems even at sub 100 mods. i have a really good pc ect no problems there
Miki_P98•4mo ago
Yeah, for me Embeddium gives 6 times the fps of optifine Optifine wasn't providing much improvement over vanilla for me Nothing you can do except add more performance mods in hope it improves things

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