Extremely slow LOD rendering

As the title says I am having a problem with the rendering being extremely slow. I have used the same version of the mod before and it was pretty fast even with bliss shaders but after I added and afterwards removed like 5-6 mods the distant horizons stopped rendering properly even without shaders. Computer stats: - Ram: DDR5 32 GB - CPU: Ryzen 7 7700X - GPU: Radeon RX 6750 XT What I tried: - Everything from FAQ - Reinstalling minecraft launcher - Deleting .minecraft - Restarting my computer - Removing all mods that were not necessary (Including optimization mods such as Chunky) - All of the above at the same time On the pictures you can see the area that I entered recently vs the are that has been loading for more than 2 minutes. You can also see how it was before and mods used whilst making screenshots. IMPORTANT: The mp4 video you can see is from version 1.20.4 with an extra mod, I just didn't have a footage from when I had it still working on 1.20.1 so I decided to use this one instead.
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48 Replies
You increased your cpu usage yes? /slowgen
YAGPDB.xyz4w ago
If it feels like LoD generation with Distant Generator is too slow: Try increasing CPU Load in Distant Horizons settings for faster generation, but you will experience more lag spikes and stuttering due to heavier workload on CPU. To see if Distant Generator is really working or not: 1) Check CPU usage while in-game, using Aggressive settings of CPU Load. If CPU usage's hovering around 80-100%, the LoDs are generating in the background. 2) Go to DH settings > Advanced Options > Debug > Wireframe, set Enable Debug Wireframe Rendering and Show World Gen Queue to True. Enabling both settings will show you the visualization of world gen tasks queued and working on the map (blue boxes for queued tasks, red boxes for working tasks)
IApologise4w ago
I have tried up to aggressive
How many ram have you allocated to Minecraft
IApologise4w ago
8 GB
send ss of modlist
IApologise4w ago
2 min
IApologise4w ago
This is my current one:
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IApologise4w ago
I can try going back to 1.20.4 see if that somehow becomes better
Oh wait there was already an included ss, I'm stupid
IApologise4w ago
yeah but it had chunky
I think it might just be because 2.1.0a has a beefier compression alg so lod making is a bit slower
IApologise4w ago
I mean... it used to load much faster before, It just doesn't anymore I just tested it on 1.20.4 with same mods I had before, same problem
l_aggy4w ago
whats ur compression format set to LZ4 is the fastest for DH 2.1 theres also LMA2 or smth thats slower
IApologise4w ago
I have LMA2 Didn't work I set it to LZ4, no difference
l_aggy4w ago
ye maybe cause u need to reload all of the chunks cause its not gonna convert to that format unless u load em up again says on hover or smth
only new LODs that are being generated are gonna be using the different compression alg Already loaded lods will stay the same
l_aggy4w ago
unless u update them
IApologise4w ago
I have flied a bit to generate new LODs and I did notice them being a bit faster, but I still don't understand how I get to the result where the LODs would load instantly just like before.
l_aggy4w ago
idk about instant
Was the world you were in back then had pregened chunks?
IApologise4w ago
I was new
l_aggy4w ago
same mods?
IApologise4w ago
It was on 1.20.4 I am on that version right now tho
IApologise4w ago
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l_aggy4w ago
'after I added and afterwards removed like 5-6 mods' wdym by that quite few mods in that list ngl vanilla has acc gotten quite good from my experience apart from loading chunks
IApologise4w ago
So I first wanted to check out this mod with shaders, I got it to work nicely, afterwards I decided to add more mods and make a modpack. Once I added a few mods like mutant monsters, etc. and loaded in for testing now on 1.20.1 the problem started
l_aggy4w ago
can u give the modlist with those added mods
IApologise4w ago
5 min BTW I would also get an error in chat soon afterwards Something like this: "Error:null java.lang.NullPointerException ..."
l_aggy4w ago
ye unfortunately that does help a human like me who hasnt contributed to DH xd that error can be caused by alot of things asw
IApologise4w ago
turns out I added 9. (counting libraries) It is possible that I could have gotten the problem before it (Cuz I was testing with some more mods) and just havent noticed it. So I am going to add those in just in case.
Pandemic4w ago
i will say the more worldgen mods you add, the longer generation will take. exponentially. especially if you use stuff that DH's chunk generator doesn't like, such as Yung's structure mods. i have a 5900x, and DH with vanilla gen is lightning fast. Terralith + Lithosphere slows it to a crawl. (i am on mobile so i havent read your modlists)
IApologise4w ago
That is true and I understand that, It's just that after I removed the mods, nothing changed and it only got worse
Pandemic4w ago
Did you clear your sqlite cache
IApologise4w ago
I reinstalled minecraft idk what a sqlite cache is tho
Pandemic4w ago
@l_aggy i dont remember the server command what launcher are you using?
IApologise4w ago
Minecraft Launcher
Pandemic4w ago
you should consider using Prism. it will make your life much easier
IApologise4w ago
I can try
Pandemic4w ago
once its set up it is much easier to manage and review your modlist Remove Snow Real Magic, replace Tectonic with Lithosphere, test again Remove DH before you use chunky. remove chunky before you add DH.
literally does nothing Chunky and dh will run regardless Oh snow real magic
Pandemic4w ago
Chunky + DH slows chunky gen time, and its safer to isolate chunk generation interaction mods from each other. i know for a fact that snow real magic does not play nice with LOD generation.
Oh right, dh still runs in the background even without rendering enabled
Pandemic4w ago
Also add More Culling and More Culling Extra. precisely
IApologise4w ago
Sure I can try that too, But I am a little busy right now so in about 20 mins Ty for help both of you
Pandemic4w ago
mhm keep us posted