Starting afresh with DH2

Do I simply delete the /config/DistantHorizons.toml file to start afresh in a world that previously used an older version of DH? Is there other data I need to remove? I'd like to start completely fresh with DH2 and not migrate any old data. For clarity, it's my main survival world that used to run DistantHorizons-1.6.5a-1.18.1. I upgraded the world to 1.20.4 and started using Bobby and Nvidium instead, and now I would like to go back to DH. Obviously I know I should also remove Bobby, and I'll probably not use nvidium either, as I was more than satisfied with DH back when I played with it.
2 Replies
YAGPDB.xyz9mo ago
To edit the config, press the button next to the FOV slider to edit the config. The config file found in .minecraft/config/DistantHorizons.toml
bangdroidOP9mo ago
Should I also delete the .minecraft\saves\World\data\lod folder too?

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