not sure if this is DH related
When trying to play Minecraft if I leave the game idle without any input for to long like if I’m letting chunks render or if I’m running chunky my frame time skyrockets above 1-2000 and frames drop to 0 and then the game crashes
54 Replies
Could you provide your mod list?

sorry thats a pretty bad photo

that one should be better
May we have your crash log?
ill have to get it to do it again give me a moment
You don't have to unless you deleted the crash log.
wont be to hard
Minecraft Wiki
Obtaining a crash report
This tutorial is to help you obtain crash reports generated by Minecraft. Crash reports can help developers confirm and diagnose issues and should be included in bugs on the Bug tracker whenever possible.
Curious question: how much did you let Chunky generate?
it was just 2000, 2000 and it was almost finished i was playing the enitre time no problem some stuttering here and there obviously but i stepped away for 5 minutes with the game paused and came back to 0 frames
Could you get back into the world after restarting the game?
yes when i logged back in to check the progress of chunky the game had crashed at 95%
Have you tried to optimise the world?
Minecraft Wiki
World Options
The World Options are options to take external actions on a world. Internal world setttings are handled by game rules.
no i havent im not entirely sure what it does. I am very new to pc gaming and java even more so
Wait, I read the optimising, it mainly converts the world to the latest version which would likely not solve your problem.
Are you able to play on other single-player worlds and multiplayer servers?
have not tried multiplayer because i have no servers to play on but i can play on other worlds
Try joining a popular server like Hypixel Network.
yea no ploblem
It looks like you have Concurrent Chunk Management Engine too, make sure
and replaceImpl
to false
in the config file to make it work with Distant Horizons if you haven't already.
Mod Support · Wiki · James Seibel / Distant Horizons · GitLab
This is a mod that adds a Level Of Detail (LOD) system to Minecraft. This implementation renders simplified chunks outside of the normal render distance allowing for an...

no i didnt eve n know about th
where do i find this
Which operating system do you use? (Windows, Mac, or Linux)
It would be in your AppData's Roaming folder. To easily get to it, open the run command by pressing the windows key and
.You should get a popup like this.

right im in my .minecraft folder
Do you see the
folder?Yes and I see a c2me.toml but I’m unsure how to open
The pre-installed notepad program should work, but I highly recommend Notepad++.
It didn’t give me the option for notepad but I thought I already had notepad++ installed but I forgot I did a fresh install a day or to ago after upgrading mobo and cpu
I do think you can open your Notepad++ installation, but if it doesn't work, try repairing (uninstalling and then installing) it.
You should be able to have a file type open with a program including Notepad and Notepad++.

I will in a minute looking after my son but I will @ you when I do it
Take your time.
alright i changed those two lines how would i go about testing to see if that worked just do what i normally do
so was c2me basically not working since i had those 2 lines as default
I believe so.
Did it solve your problem?
still idling so far frame times are normal
Even if it didn't solve the chunk crash, it is something you have to do if you want both mods installed and working.
I do recommend installing this mod:
Dynamic FPS - Minecraft Mod
Reduce resource usage while Minecraft is in the background or idle.
yea ive been meaning to download it just keeps slipping my mind
It is okay. It is also on Curseforge if you use the Curseforge App.
did not fix it but i got no crash log
Did the game crash or is just now unstable?
it crashed after frame times shot to 9000
You should've gotten a crash log.
I got an exit code but I didn’t copy it
All I can give as I'm not too knowledgeable is try disabling Chunky first and then trying it out.
yea im not sure
its not a huge deal seeing as its only when i go idle so