Disable DH overloaded warning

is there a way to turn off/acknowledge and ignore the "DH overloaded" warning? i have intentionally set it low to throttle DH performance. its annoying that it keeps popping up
Next update removes it
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5 Replies
Puhpine5mo ago
Next update removes it
Puhpine5mo ago
Try increasing LOD building threads in dh's settings a bit
AlienXtreamOP5mo ago
not an option. don't need faster gen speed, just wanted to tell DH "i acknowledge and do not care about world holes in this case". the chat message was more of a problem for me than the thing it was warning about XD (not that its even an issue)
Puhpine5mo ago
You won't have faster gen speed, as you won't be increasing the world gen thread count
AlienXtreamOP5mo ago
im muddling my words. was using gen and build synonymously. point is i've found the settings that balance performance on my setup and increasing those does more harm than good in my case. i don't mind sitting and waiting for lods to build when i want eye candy or need to scout. otherwise happy for DH to be sluggish when exploring.

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