Crashing before launch with DH 2.0.2
I am receiving a crash message starting with "java.lang.RuntimeException: DH 2.0 not found, yet Fabric claims it's there. Curious." Here are the mods I am running! I am also on an M2 Mac, with Fabric Loader 15.10 and MC 1.20.4.
45 Replies
That is indeed curious
Try reinstalling DH
2.0.2 no longer works with iris 1.7. You need DH 2.0.3 from #announcements
Thank you so much! I will try that now
Should I click "Update"? Or is the current version good as is

I am now running 2.0.3.
Click don't show again
Thanks again!
Thank you so much for all your help! I am able to run the mod now, but I'm still seeing a lot of terrain like this when I fly around, even though my settings for DH are low and my RAM allocation on Prism is near the max (15GB). Is there anything else I can do to make the mod run more fluidly?

Dont allocate almost all your RAM, 6 gigs is probably fine
And try increasing your CPU load and letting DH generate some LODs before you start playing
Generating LODs is slow due to vanillas world gen code being slow
Thank you!! This is so helpful. Are there some guides pinned somewhere on how to increase CPU load and do the LOD thing? I have like boomer level modding knowledge I'm sorry 😭
To edit the config, press the button next to the FOV slider to edit the config.
The config file found in .minecraft/config/DistantHorizons.toml
Got there in the end
So press that button next to the FOV slider and CPU load should be the first thing you see
Thank you omg you're a lifesaver!! I will try that out right now 😄
Okay, so I realized I have been tinkering with this menu already!! Here's what it's set to right now

Still having a lot of weirdness though, I assume I need to adjust some things
Oh yeah this is an issue on MacOS, should be fixed by disabling SSAO

Disable fog*
Also aggressive CPU load might be a bit much. Try balanced
Thank you! I think I fixed the fog issue by updating my DH settings. Here's what I'm getting with Medium/Balanced. I think maybe my computer is just too slow to render stuff in real time (been flying around in Creative, sometimes with Elytra)

Try enabling distant generation so you don't have to explore for DH to generate LODs
Assuming you're on at least an m1 Mac or better it'll run well
Okay! I turned that on
If you look around you should see LODs start generating outwards until the end of your LOD radius
I feel like I must be doing something wrong since it's still quite laggy even though I'm on an M2
Might need to lower the CPU load down to low impact. Currently the presets are a bit wacky
Unless you're running off battery
(if so, plug it in)
Okay, here is what I'm getting with medium/low impact/plugged in
Definitely faster but still a bit wonky
Is your framerate capped?
I'm not sure how to tell or change that, but f3 shows that my frame rate ranges from ~50-70 fps
If that helps
It's in video settings. Try changing the max framerate slider to 60
You might want to just wait a bit for LODs to load in for a few minutes before playing. Personally I wait around half an hour which gets me a radius of around 64 LODs
Thanks so much!! Still some gaps but this is MUCH improved 😄 I didn't know that I could just wait for it to load in the background! Can I do that even if the menu is paused?
You guys are wizards lol I have no idea how to work this so I appreciate all your help
Not sure, but iirc if you hit f3-p you can tab out without the game pausing automatically
No, it doesnt load while the menu is paused
F3-Q lists a bunch of debug binds
Or open the chat or inventory
That works too
Thank you both so much!! I will try those tips out. Very excited to be using this mod
I haven't been able to get bliss to work yet but i think i will cross that bridge when my computer comes to it LOL
I know the feeling
Imma get a pc next week and I'll finally be able to try DH with shaders
MacOS doesn't support anything above OpenGL 4.1 I think
Bliss depends on 4.5 or smth
I think BSL works tho, you could try that. Will run quite poor on m2 though
Interesting!! I've gotten it to work before with some other configurations on Prism (no clue which) but it was definitely very slow
Probably should stick to vanilla for now lol
And ooh I'll look into this thank you 🙂
That's your best bet
Without shaders seems to be running fine from the screenshots you've sent
Great!! Thank you so much for all your help! Earlier I had tried to get this running for hours with no luck lol