Non-existing blocks showing up outside render distance.

Some blocks i removed keep showing up outside my render distance even though they arn't there. it is in a multiplayer world, no error messages or logs from what i can presume. The modpack has 130 mods. I will include images of the list, and of my problem to try and give context to it. hope the info i have given can help in uderstanding my problem.
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I think i have found what causes this problem. it is minning more that one block from breaking one. like minning 5x5 at a time seems to cause the other blocks that wasn't specifically mined the vanilla way to stay in distant horizons. this case seems to have come from the Apotheosis minning tool affix which makes tools mine a 5x5 area.
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35 Replies
Puhpine3mo ago
try turning up cpu load in dh's settings, then placing and breaking a few blocks there
DariusOP3mo ago
Puhpine3mo ago
sorry pressed enter too early
DariusOP3mo ago
ok. i will try that. Nope. didn't seem to have worked. i'll try it out on the highest setting now aswell just for goos messure. Didn't work either.
Puhpine3mo ago
there isnt much else you can do except delete the LODs and start fresh again to do that, delete the sqlite found at /lodstored /lodsotored
DariusOP3mo ago
That would suck as it's over 4Gb big.
Puhpine3mo ago
YAGPDB.xyz3mo ago
Single Player: - Overworld: .minecraft/saves/WORLD_NAME/data/DistantHorizons.sqlite - Nether: .minecraft/saves/WORLD_NAME/DIM-1/data/DistantHorizons.sqlite - End: .minecraft/saves/WORLD_NAME/DIM1/data/DistantHorizons.sqlite - Custom Dimensions: .minecraft/saves/WORLD_NAME/DIMENSION_FOLDER/data/DistantHorizons.sqlite Multiplayer: - .minecraft/Distant_Horizons_server_data/SERVER_NAME/
Puhpine3mo ago
you could try doing a lot of placing and breaking in the chunks that are affected
DariusOP3mo ago
Puhpine3mo ago
make a cobblestone farm
DariusOP3mo ago
Is there a way to delete a specific saved chunk? like how you can delete an end dimension and reload a new one
Puhpine3mo ago
yes but its very hard
DariusOP3mo ago
I see. Might be an option though.
Puhpine3mo ago
you would need a sqlite browser, then find which chunks to delete
DariusOP3mo ago
Ok. and what is sqlite?
Puhpine3mo ago
sqlite is a program to store databases. it is what DH uses to store its LODs
DariusOP3mo ago
Ok i see. Do you have a link to the specific one?
Puhpine3mo ago
the downloading the sqlite browser is not the hard part, finding out which chunks to delete is and is not something i can help you with, as i have no idea how to do that
DariusOP3mo ago
I see Backing up the file might be a good idea then.
Puhpine3mo ago
DariusOP3mo ago
Alright. do you have any other ideas that could solve it possibly?
Puhpine3mo ago
its either: waiting and hope it goes away eventually, placing and breaking blocks in the affected chunks until it updates, Delete the LODs and start again, delete the specific chunk with a sqlite browser
DariusOP3mo ago
Ok. well i don't think waiting will work as it's been there for over 24 hours now. placing and breaking may work(probably have to test more) i really don't want to have to end up deleting it as it's really big. seems the last option may be what i'll try. I havn't use this program before. do you know of a place i could look at a guide? Not sure how help works here. but i'm guessing waiting and letting others join in and suggest solutions is a good idea.
Puhpine3mo ago
If you're talking about the SQLite browser, I haven't used it myself so I have no idea how that thing works or how to use it.
DariusOP3mo ago
Yeah. I was.
Puhpine3mo ago
Yeah I can't think of anything others could suggest, but you could wait yea
DariusOP3mo ago
Will probably have to, as i have no idea how to even start.
Darius3mo ago
I think i have found what causes this problem. it is minning more that one block from breaking one. like minning 5x5 at a time seems to cause the other blocks that wasn't specifically mined the vanilla way to stay in distant horizons. this case seems to have come from the Apotheosis minning tool affix which makes tools mine a 5x5 area.
DariusOP3mo ago
i have also managed to mostly fix this by building in the chunk the error was in and destroying blocks. it didn't work at the begining but after having had distant horizon loaded in the low detail models and going to the chunk they disappeared then letting distant horizons update to the high resolution models it updated the chunk removing some of the fake blocks and the ones that remained were able to be removed by placing said blocks in the chunk and destroying them. To be honest i'm not sure if this mean the problem is fixed as it seems to have happend by accident. seems to have fixed it on accident that is. Also sorry if i bothered you. just thought i'd update on progress.
Puhpine3mo ago
Nice that's it working now!
Miki_P983mo ago
shouldn't it be that it is instead?
Puhpine3mo ago
Oops yea
DariusOP3mo ago
So should i mark this as fixed?

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