Holes appear between real and LOD chunks

getting closer loads the real chunks, but getting away does not create lod chunks there. it's happening both in singleplayer and multiplayer. I have some mods installed but don't think any of them would cause this problem: Cloth-Config DistantHorizons Enchanced Block Entities Fabric Api Falling leaves iris logical zoom mod menu plasmovoice presence footsteps sodium sound physics remastered indium
68 Replies
That Guy
That Guy2w ago
Can you send a log please
YAGPDB.xyz2w ago
You should send your latest.log file to provide additional useful information. Logs are located in the .minecraft/logs directory. On Windows: %appdata%\.minecraft\logs On Linux: ~/.minecraft/logs On Mac: ~/Library/Application Support/minecraft/logs Please upload the file to mclo.gs instead of sending the raw file. This makes reading the contents of the file a lot easier and improves the chances of you getting the help needed. After uploading the file, click on Save and send the link.
That Guy
That Guy2w ago
Could you also give a screenshot please
『metz』2w ago
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『metz』2w ago
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『metz』2w ago
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That Guy
That Guy7d ago
Do they load if you just wait and see? if they don't try regenerating all your lods by deleting the distant horizons .sqlite file in you world folder @『metz』 Has the bug been fixed?
『metz』7d ago
I updated to the newest version and the bug still persisted
Mati7d ago
which version of dh is that
That Guy
That Guy6d ago
2.1.2 right?
eden6d ago
do the holes fill in at some point
『metz』6d ago
only when I get near them and the actual chunks load in, when i back off they appear again
eden6d ago
ah that one won't act as a fix not quite sure what could actually be causing this try removing all mods except distant horizons, fabric api, iris, sodium and indium if it does work it's a sign of a mod incompatibility
Jarpox6d ago
I am having the same issue I only have this mod installed I really seem to have messed up mod up just trying differnt things
Jarpox6d ago
here is the render I am trying to get and in the harbour It is rendering the vanilla chunks where it should be a massive concrete slab
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Jarpox6d ago
This area is a perfect example
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Jarpox6d ago
also the white mountains on the side that do not exsist. This is a world painted world made over 12 years ago that might have something to do with this and could possibly be another issue im just new here and this seemed very similar to my problem now that I am at the harbour I turned around and the rendering is butchered in some way again.
Jarpox6d ago
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That Guy
That Guy6d ago
try increasing the lod quality
Jarpox6d ago
yeah I did that still didnt work
That Guy
That Guy6d ago
have you tried deleting the distant-horizons.sqlite file inside your mc world folder
Jarpox6d ago
I just got the mod moments before making this render It is a world painted world from 2012 im thinking that might be an issue
Miki_P986d ago
There is an option in MC to update each chunk to newest Mc version Try running it Delete the old lods And regen them
Jarpox6d ago
yeah its looking "better" today let me know if this is normal. I think I need to give this massive 8,000,000 x 8,000,000 world time to load gonna upload something now
Miki_P986d ago
500 000 chunks? It will take ages
Jarpox6d ago
LOL yeah I had alot to learn before I came here but me asking and people answer pushed me in the right direction what can help me load the VOD's faster?
Miki_P986d ago
Increase CPU load
Jarpox6d ago
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Miki_P986d ago
if the chunks are already generated it will be quicker to generate LODs, so it might be doable
Jarpox5d ago
im kinda dumb when it some to computers lol yeah how do you generate LOD's these chuks are already generated here is what it looks like rn
Jarpox5d ago
Miki_P985d ago
set DH RD in the settings to 4096 and wait then fly to a different place and do the same or edit the /config file directly
YAGPDB.xyz5d ago
To edit the config, press the button next to the FOV slider to edit the config. The config file found in .minecraft/config/DistantHorizons.toml
Miki_P985d ago
set the DH RD to 500 000 stand in the middle and wait and hope it won't crash
Jarpox5d ago
stand at x0 z 0? ok
Miki_P985d ago
limiting your fps to low amont like 12 or 15 will help as well as setting vanilla RD to 2
Jarpox5d ago
I did that last night before bed and woek up to crash
Miki_P985d ago
IDK where is the middle
Jarpox5d ago
did the same thing in the morning went out for rbeakfast and crashed lol ok wasnt sure if vanilla rd mattered thanks yall for real does the curvature mess with anything?
Miki_P985d ago
I don't think that the currend loaded LODs record is close to 5 digits and you want to go to 6 digits it shouldn't everything that can free up your CPU for DH to use will help especially at this scale
Jarpox5d ago
ok does DH Qp do anything quaility preset
Miki_P985d ago
Having lower DH RD and moving will be more stable, but more tedious yes
Jarpox5d ago
would it speed anything up if i lower it until it has made the LOD's? ok
Miki_P985d ago
yes just don't disable rendering
Jarpox5d ago
gotcha wont let me go that high
Jarpox5d ago
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Jarpox5d ago
mb for the photo
Jarpox5d ago
is that why buddy reccomened 4096?
Miki_P985d ago
4096 is the in game DH limit it can be disabled in advanced DH setting IDK where
Jarpox5d ago
that was you nvm ok
Miki_P985d ago
or you can edit the config file directly to set it higher /config
YAGPDB.xyz5d ago
To edit the config, press the button next to the FOV slider to edit the config. The config file found in .minecraft/config/DistantHorizons.toml
Miki_P985d ago
YAGPDB.xyz5d ago
To edit the config, press the button next to the FOV slider to edit the config. The config file found in .minecraft/config/DistantHorizons.toml
Jarpox5d ago
cant find distance radius in the config 😅
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Jarpox5d ago
sorry buddy ima builder not a computer guy 😦
Jarpox5d ago
this here?
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Jarpox5d ago
yep thats it 🙂
Bones5d ago
i'd like to say im also getting this issue, and the only mods i have are distant horizons and fabric api im on version 1.20.2
Jarpox5d ago
I think I got everything working just need to fly around more. here is a wee show off for yall
That Guy
That Guy4d ago
Neat! Could you please mark thisp ost as solved or add the solved tag thanks
Boosby3d ago
I don't know if this is related, but the description fits my issue
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That Guy
That Guy2d ago
Can you make a new thread thanks
Redacted2d ago
Im having a similar problem, and I also did
Boosby2d ago
I did
That Guy
That Guy2d ago